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WATSON (John Dawson, 1832-1892, Artist, Book Illustrator)

Fine original pen and ink sketch signed with initials and dated, showing a man full length wearing breeches, a coat and a tricornered hat, holding up a goblet to drink, 1 side 8vo., no place, conjugate blank laid down

Item Date:  1881
Stock No:  11217      £125

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WATTS (George Frederic, 1817-1904, O.M., R.A., Painter and Sculptor)

Fine Series of Four Autograph Letter Signed to “Dear Lady Sophia” the first saying that he is “gratified as I ought to be by the wish that among so many good portrait painters I should be selected. I have never been a portrait painter, though I have painted portraits, my desire always being to devote such experience & ability as I might have towards the endeavour with the greater Poets, after making the world if not wiser & better a little more joyful. No longer being absolutely obliged for bread & cheese, though far from wealthy, to paint portraits & accepting the verdict that my work in that direction is very unequal & not having the eyesight of earlier times (I am in my 76th year) I have for some time absolutely declined to paint portraits Professionally! I cannot run the risk of disappointing any one but myself! I have in this case great difficulty in refusing & perhaps might find time to paint Lord Selborne for m y own gallery of representative men on the understanding that the benchers of Lincoln’s Inn might claim it if they much cared to have it, but I cannot help feeling there are much better... portrait painters, indeed I could strongly recommend Sir J. Millais...”, 3 sides 8vo., 7th May, the next promising to “arrange sittings, I am glad you like my new Gallery picture, I think the subject beautiful. I am pleased also that you were interested in my Gallery at L.H.M. some of the best pictures are away on loan, the Gallery is open in the afternoon... I shall ask you kindly to let me have here any photographs you may have of Lord Selborne that I may get the characteristics into my head...”, 2 sides 8vo., 10th May, the third says he has “received from Mr Dixon a photograph... which being from a picture is no use to me, I do not want another man’s impression. If I get anything from it, it can only be that I ought not to undertake the portrait as I do not think I can paint one so likely to give satisfaction...”, 1 side 8vo., 17th May and finally he hopes “you will not think me changeable but when Lord Selborne sat I was struck with the spread of the fine forehead, on reflection I find the wig though generally a great advantage... in this instance... a cost too great to submit to... enable me to get rid of the ordinary abomination...”, 1 side 8vo., 14th June, the first three on Limnerslease, Guildford headed paper, the last from Little Holland House, Kensington, all

Item Date:  1892
Stock No:  42173      £575

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WATTS (George Frederic, 1817-1904, O.M., R.A., Painter and Sculptor)

Autograph Letter Signed to “Dear Lady Louisa” saying that he is “so unwell today that I shall be quite unable to profit by the Duke’s kindness. My attacks do not last long and I hope the promised sitting may be given some day next week any day at the same hour will suit me if I have some notice. I hope I am not putting the Duke to any inconvenience...”, 1 side 8vo., Little Holland House, 23rd June

Item Date:  1865
Stock No:  41954      £125

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WATTS (George Frederic, 1817-1904, O.M., R.A., Painter and Sculptor)

Autograph Letter Signed to “Dear Lady Aberdeen” saying that he doesn’t “care as a rule very much about what is thought of my work regarded as picture making but I do greatly care about my intention being understood & I am greatly pleased by your recognition of what I have sought to convey by my picture. Progress. I am sorry I can’t beg your acceptance of the picture, I never should have taken a penny for work of that class (that direction of object,) but i have never been any thing but a Working Man! I really don’t know where the Photograph Rachel showed you is to be found but I think Mr Hollyer of Pembroke Square Kengsington probably took it & will have prints of it...”, 2 sides 8vo., Limnerslease, Guildford, 22nd April

Item Date:  1904
Stock No:  42662      £125

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WATTS (George Frederic, 1817-1904, O.M., R.A., Painter and Sculptor)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Davey, saying that he is “very glad you should have the picture which I think as time goes on will not be of less interest or value. I shall be charmed to see you and hear how the great Italian pictures looked to you on your last visit but I am likely to be away till about this day week. I have been suffering from a violent cold these last three weeks & do not expect to throw it off without change of air. When you come I will show you an excellent plan of my own whereby you can place your pictures in any light you please. Certainly I should like Mr Davey’s portrait to be seen under fairly favourable conditions in your house for I think it one of my best...”, 1 side 8vo., Little Holland House, 7th March

Item Date:  1882
Stock No:  42571      £100

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