Sophie Dupré - Miscellaneous

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ORFORD (Harriet Bettina Frances, née Pellew, d. 1886, from 1841 wife of the 4th Earl of Orford)

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Castletown, (1811-1889, wife of the 1st Baron), saying that she "cannot find words to express my great gratitude to you ... the kindest that any body can do now to me is to aid the 'Society Protection' here!! which is entirely the work of Lady Paget, C[onte]ssa Bardelli & myself - 'Que Dieu vs le rende' [may God reward you] is all I can say ... in health and in peace, which are the only 2 things we at our age can hope for, or desire", she continues "I wish I cld ever be of any use to you!! but it is a case of the mouse and the lion and I should not wish you to be in a net (were you the Queen of Beasts) in order to show my gratitude and my dental dexterity", she sends a "Mme. de Montaigne's memoirs - You must have known all the Noailles in days of yore ... 'le beau' Antonin de Noailles (whom I was to have married) all, all, all, dead !!! ... I am sure you knew all these then 'célébrités' - 'du jour' - Dino is going to give his own 'operette' at teatro 'Loggie' ", with a P.S. "... the account of how young ladies 'de grande maison' were brought up before 1789 is most curious - her mother & sister were both executed in 93", 4 sides 8vo black-edged, no place. [Florence], 31st March n.y., c.

Item Date:  1877
Stock No:  17238      £55

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Small piece of the Wall encased in acrylic together with a letter from the Press Secretary of the German Embassy to Mr Henly, sending “on behalf of the Ambassador, a genuine piece of the Berlin Wall, encased in acrylic and showing the silhouette of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. I hope that you will achieve your aim and that Miss Sarah Watts together with the other contestants will be able to represent the County of Wiltshire at the 17th World Scout Jamboree in Korea next year...”, the block two and a half inches square, 1 side A4, 23 Belgrave Square, London, 15th November

Item Date:  1990
Stock No:  42736      £225

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OSTEIN (Johann Friedrich Karl, 1689-1763, Prince Bishop and Elector of Mainz)

Fine letter in Latin (with translation) signed 'J Fridericus Carolus Elector' to Carlo a Stampa, in Mantua, Envoy Plenipotentiary in Italy of the late Holy Roman Emperor (Charles VI, 1685-1740), thanking him "for the honour the Count has done Me by his congratulations on My Election under the auspices of the divine Spirit ... to the dignity of the Archbishopric of Mainz and the Electorate", and promising "to take every occasion I can to assure him" of his particular goodwill, 1 side folio on mourning paper with conjugate blank and original envelope bearing the Archbishop's papered seal, Mainz, 16th July

Item Date:  1743
Stock No:  9946      £275

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OWEN (John, 1854-1926, Principal of St. David's College, Lampeter, from 1897 Bishop of St. David's)

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir William Treloar, Lord Mayor, accepting for dinner on 3rd July, 1 side 8vo., The Palace, Abergwili, Carmarthenshire, 17th June traces of laying down on verso

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  50568      £15

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OXFORD UNIVERSITY (Vice-Chancellor's Court)

Collection of 28 tags for legal documents, in Latin, of which 23 bear the dates of university terms, namely 1630 ('Termino Paschae', Easter) and 1691-1707 (Hilary, Easter & Trinity, Michaelmas, with a few gaps), usually with 'Exhibitum' ('Exhibited in'), 2 are marked 'Actiones' for 1705 to 1706, and 1706 to 1707, in each case 21st December, all these on vellum , typically 3" x 2", and three are on paper, each with the name of a lawsuit, 10" x 6", 5" x 7" and 4" x 7", [Oxford], 1630 and 1691 - the vellum tags pierced for stringing, the paper ones very dust-soiled

Item Date:  1707
Stock No:  51380      £750

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