Sophie Dupré - Military or Naval

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WINGATE (Sir Francis Reginald, 1861-1953, Sirdar of the Egyptian Army, Governor-General of the Sudan 1899-1916 and from 1920 1st Baronet)

Typed Letter Signed ‘Reginald Wingate’ to R. Nicholson CMG, CBE, Secretary of the Royal African Society who retired from the post in 1938, saying that “by some extraordinary lapse, I entirely missed the inclusion of your name in the New Year’s Honours List and it was only when I got the African World on Saturday that I saw your name was included in the List for a C.B.E. I cannot tell you what sincere gratification this gave me and I am sure all your friends will rejoice with me that your splendid services while Secretary of the Royal African Society have been recognised in this way. I hope you will live long to enjoy this honour and perhaps other which may follow... I do not know whether you saw a letter published in the ‘Times’... from my son, dealing with the Refugee and Palestine questions and strongly recommending the adoption of British Guiana as a home for them. As you have had a good deal of experience in that part of the world perhaps some day we can arrange a meeting between yourself, my son and myself to talk the matter over, that is to say, if you are free, but I suppose you do not come to London more often than you can help. I do hope your general health has improved...”, 2 sides 4to., Queen Anne’s Mansions, St James’s Park, 9th January

Item Date:  1939
Stock No:  42566      £225

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WOLSELEY (Garnet, Viscount, 1833-1913, Field Marshal, C-in-C of the Army)

Clerk written Letter Signed to Rev. James Marchand saying he has “only just returned from abroad & find your letter awaiting me. I sympathize fully with your work, & wish you every possible success in the noble object you have in view...”, 1 side 8vo., 18 Lower Seymour Street, Portman Square, 21st May

Item Date:  1901
Stock No:  42660      £65

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WOLSELEY (Garnet, Viscount, 1833-1913, Field Marshal, C-in-C of the Army)

Autograph Letter Signed to Kirkwood saying that he has to “distribute prizes at the Masonic Boys house at 5.30 next Saturday, so I am extremely sorry to say I could not go with you to the Royal Observatory on that day. Perhaps you will kindly give me another opportunity of doing so...”, 2 sides 8vo., The Royal Hospital, Dublin headed paper, Tuesday, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  42577      £75

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WOLSELEY (Sir Garnet, 1833-1913, Field Marshal and C-in-C of the Army, from 1885 1st Viscount)

Letter Signed to Captain the Hon. E.R. Fremantle, CB, CMG, saying he is very pleased to tell him that the appointment of Sergeant Dauncey of the 7th Dragoon Giuards to a commission "is about to be submitted for the Queen's approval", 2 sides 8vo., on black edged paper, War Office, 20th May

Item Date:  1884
Stock No:  54740      £75

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WOLSELEY (Sir Garnet, 1833-1913, Field Marshal and C-in-C of the Army, from 1885 1st Viscount)

Letter Signed to "My dear Henry" promising to "do my best for your friend Canon Hole - Our present Chaplain General has done much good in that position that I confess to being in despair at the news contained in your letter. You know what a useless - that is a wild adjective - set of men we used to have as Chaplains Well all that has been changed by Mr Edgehill ...", 2 sides 8vo., War Office headed paper, 12th July

Item Date:  1887
Stock No:  40221      £75

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