Sophie Dupré - Political

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HAMPDEN (Thomas Hampden-Trevor, 1746-1824, 2nd Viscount)

Autograph Letter Signed 'Hampden' to 'My dear Lord' saying he "shall be ready to grant & execute renewal" of the leases of Wendover, part of the estates descending from John Hampden (the Patriot, 1594-1643) through his daughter Ruth, "the alteration in the parcells, and proportionate abatement of the Rent is very properly suggested", with a P.S. "Mr. Grace will adjust and furnish the sum already incurred as Loss by your Ldship on Foster's account", 2 sides 16mo., Green Street, Grosvenor Square, London, 28 June

Item Date:  1808
Stock No:  9934      £45

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HAMPDEN (Sir Henry Brand, 1814-1892, Speaker 1872-1884, Viscount Hampden, 1884, and 23rd Baron Dacre, 1890)

Frank to Messrs Smith & Co., News Agents, Strand, with embossed stamp 'Speaker House of Commons' from the flap laid down on recto, London, 9th August edges a trifle trimmed, lightly laid down

Item Date:  1880
Stock No:  51300      £15

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HAMPDEN (Richard, 1631-1695, Chancellor of the exchequer)

Signature with two others taken from a larger document

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  9693      £22

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HAMPTON (Sir John Somerset Pakington, Bart., 1st Baron, 1799-1880, Cabinet Minister under Derby and Disraeli)

Autograph Letter Signed to Canon Rickson, concerning Rickson's submission on education to the Committee of Council, 4 sides 8vo., 41 Eaton Square, 13th May

Item Date:  1865
Stock No:  12593      £15

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HANKEY (Sir Maurice Pascal Alers, 1877-1963, from 1939 1st Baron)

Typed Letter Signed ‘Hankey’ to J. Lloyd Humberstone saying he has read his “letter in the last issue of the ‘Sunday Times’ about the Kiel Canal zone. It is going to rather a difficult matter for those responsible for the peace settlement. It is not much good giving the responsibility to Denmark, which is a very weak country and not a very easy one to support under modern conditions. I even doubt if the Danes would accept it. On the other hand it is also not an easy position for any of the United Nations to occupy permanently. On the whole I am disposed to think that present and future air developments will make its neutralisation easier and its importance less in time of war. Many thanks also for the pamphlet on the public school question. I read the first half this morning with great enjoyment... In revenge I send you my Haldane Memorial Lecture... I am afraid that it does not deal with the question of the Army. You will find that set forth very fully in Lord Haldane’s own book ‘Before the War’...”, with a brief autograph note from the recipient signed with initials, saying that he had sent Hankey the Kiel Canal papers, 1 side A4, Privy Council Office, Whitehall, 29th July

Item Date:  1944
Stock No:  41864      £175

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