Sophie Dupré - Political

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SALISBURY (4th Marquess, James Gascoyne Cecil, 1861-1947, Son of the Prime Minister, Lord Privy Seal)

Fine Document signed, to Dr Maurist Ernest, letting "Northcotts", Hatfield on a yearly tenancy at an annual rental of £154, witnessed by his secretary, 3 sides folio, Hatfield, 22nd February a picture of Salisbury has been laid down on the blank end page

Item Date:  1913
Stock No:  2981      £20

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SALISBURY (Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil, 1830-1903, 3rd Marquess, Prime Minister & Foreign Secretary)

Autograph Letter Signed marked ‘Private’ to ‘my dear NELSON (Horatio, 3rd Earl, 1823-1913, Politician) thanking him for his “paper. Why don’t you bring in a bill. I am very anxious that any one who has ideas with reference to the improvement of th House of Lords should put them into a definite Shape, in which we can examine them. The proposition that a certain reform is necessary is one suitable for consideration. There is no initial objection to it. But the proposition that the House is bad and needs reforming somehow is a very different one - & could not be adopted in the form of a resolution or a motion for Committee without giving a dangerous foothold to the enemy...”, 3 sides 8vo., Foreign Office headed paper, 16th February

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  42529      £125

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SALISBURY (Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil, 1830-1903, 3rd Marquess, Prime Minister & Foreign Secretary)

Signature, inscribed "Yours Faithfully" on a piece, 4½" x 1½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  41176      £35

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SALISBURY (Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil, 1830-1903, 3rd Marquess, Prime Minister & Foreign Secretary)

Autograph Letter Signed to ‘My dear GORST (Sir John Eldon, 1835-1916, Lawyer and Politician) asking if he would “allow me to submit your name as Solicitor General? I make the suggestion not only as my own wish in the interests of the party & for purposes of debate - but also in the interest of the Government in matters of legal advice - acting, as I am bound to do, after due counsel with those whose opinion is of great weight in such matters...”, 3 sides 8vo., 20 Arlington Street, 26th June

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  42949      £175

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SALISBURY (Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil, 1830-1903, 3rd Marquess, Prime Minister & Foreign Secretary)

Autograph Letter Signed marked 'Private' to Alderman COTTON (Sir William James Richmond, 1822-1902, Merchant and Conservative MP) saying that he will "be very sorry if Mr Vaughan is rejected & from your account of him it is evident that if such an event does happen it can only arise from some private antipathy on the part of a few of those who are voting. But pray do not imagine that I have any influence in the matter. Any interposition of mine would have the danger of being condemned as intrusive & might influence the balloting adversely ...", 3 sides 8vo., together with an unsigned cabinet photo by Elliott & Fry showing him and shoulders looking slightly to his right, 6½" x 4¼", no place, no date, the letter on Hatfield House headed paper, 12th March

Item Date:  1882
Stock No:  41504      £175

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