(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)]
Unsigned photo
showing the Queen, three-quarter length wearing a jewelled dress, a sash and a jewelled tiara holding a fan, 6" x 2½", no place, no date,
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)
Delightful Imperial cabinet photo by Downey, signed and inscribed underneath
“Alexandra & her granddaughters”, the image shows the Queen with two of her grandchildren – the daughters of the Duchess of Fife, ALEXANDRA (1891-1959) & MAUD (1893-1945), one on either side, she has her arm around Maud’s shoulders, 13” x 7½”, no place, no date, circa
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, his Queen), with her children ALBERT VICTOR (1864-1892, Duke of Clarence), GEORGE V (1865-1936, King of Great Britain), LOUISE (1867-1931, Princess Royal) VICTORIA ALEXANDRA (1868-1935, Princess) & MAUD (1869-1938, Queen of Norway)]
Exceptional unsigned cabinet photo by W. & D. Downey,
showing the children, seated and standing around their "darling Mother dear" as they all called her, 6½" x 4", London, no date, circa
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)]
Superb unsigned Imperial Cabinet photo by Lafayette
showing her three quarters length wearing a dark coloured dress with a high necked blouse, with a large bouquet of flowers on the table in front of her and a basket of flowers in her hand, 13" x 7½", Dublin, no date but
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(of Denmark, 1844-1925, Queen of Edward VII)
Fine long Autograph Letter Signed to “My dear Rose”
saying has “received yr letter last night and am more sorry than I can say to hear the fatal result of yr poor brother in his illness. How too terrible it seems that after escaping so many dangers in Africa where he did such true & loyal service to his Country - that he shd only be restored to his poor wife & family to be snatched away at this early age & his most promising career thus... cut short by this terrible fever - Please tell his poor little widow how very deeply I sympathise with and feel for her under this crushing blow. I am truly sorry that this sad cause shd have prevented yr visit here to which I had. been looking forward to so much but hop at all events we may soon meet. I was also so sorry to hear of yr poor Aunt’s... death - I wish you wd get me that excellent photo of her in a white dress and cap which was so like her...”, 4 sides 8vo.,on mourning paper with purple and black crested monogram at the head, Sandringham, Saturday, no date
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