(1817-1890, from 1849 King of the Netherlands)
Finely penned Document signed, in French with translation, to the President of Peru,
(Andrés Avelino Cáceres, 1836-1923, President of Peru 1886-1890 and 1894-1895), thanking him for his letter of 5th June announcing his nomination as President, congratulating him "on such an honourable token of confidence, which the Peruvian Nation has given You", adding that "it will be My pleasure to continue to maintain and strengthen the ties of good friendship and good understanding, which so happily exist between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Peru", 1 side folio and conjugate blank, Soestdijk, 25th August
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(1817-1890, from 1849 King of the Netherlands) and his second wife Queen EMMA (1858-1934, mother of Queen Wilhelmina)]
Pair of unsigned carte-de-visite photographs,
showing them head and shoulders in ovals, he three quarter face, she in near profile, in a white dress, long hair in ringlets, photographer's crowned 'P' on verso (Swedish), 4" x 2½", no place, no date, circa
a little light browning barely affecting images
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(Henry Andrew Frederick, 1941-1972, Prince of Gloucester, killed in a plane crash) and his brother Prince RICHARD(born 1944, Duke of Gloucester)]
Delightful Press Photo, showing him walking along a railway platform,
full length, his head turned three quarter face to the left, holding a toy koala by its ear in his right hand and a suitcase in his left, walking next to him is their Nanny, in profile, smiling warmly at Prince Richard in her arms, 8½" x 4¾", no place, no date, circa
two light creases at foot in dark foreground
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(Prince, born 1982, Duke of Cambridge, eldest son of Prince Charles) and his wife KATE (nee Catherine Middleton, born 1982, Duchess of Cambridge)
Piece of their wedding cake in the original presentation tin
with their names and the date and an intertwined monogram, 5½" x 4¼" and 2 inches deep, Westminster Abbey, 29th April
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(1941-1972, Prince William of Gloucester, killed in an air crash)]
Engaging Portrait Photograph aged about 2 years,
by Eric Acer of Northampton, showing him head and shoulders, full face, smiling at the camera, in a warm white jackets and holding a spoon in his left hand, trimmed to a circle diameter 2½ inches, no place, no date, circa
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