Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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WINDSOR (Duchess of, Wallis Simpson, 1896-1986, Wife of Edward VIII)

Photograph of the United Services Canteen in the Bahamas, signed "Wallis Windsor" under the picture, of a 1930's style villa, with palm and other trees in the near and middle distance, 5" x 4", Bahamas, no date, circa signature penned on the gloss surface a trifle thin in places but perfectly clear, including the long final stroke of the 'r', a few tiny crumples mostly in or near the margins, remains of tabs in corners of verso

Item Date:  1943
Stock No:  55024      £225

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WINDSOR (Duchess of, Wallis Simpson, 1896-1986, Wife of Edward VIII)

Fine long Autograph Letter Signed with initials to "Dear Gray"  (Major Gray PHILLIPS, 1885-1976, Duke of Windsor's Equerry from 1939) starting that "This is not bad for me to reply to your letter of September in November - you always have so much news of our old friends of Nassau days - I find most of the people that come through Paris are rich widows and I am engaged in a continual man hunt. It is really a very dull life here ... the older I get and it quite old - the harder it is to make an effort in a foreign language - We are going to Vienna Wednesday to stop at Enzesfeld for a long weekend, Hubert Pantz is turning it into a shooting place and this is the launching ..." saying how thrilled they are to go "with all its memories for us - and I am just ready for a change of faces. We have been beset with servant problems ... chauffeurs (Mordaunt has been ill for six months), Gardeners - funny people out in the air ... from everybody some complaint ..." suggesting that he gets Biddy to help him "across and you need not deal with stairs ... you can come to the Salon upstairs by the garden way or we can remain in the little sitting room ... we could arrange the car to come to the plane - What do you think of my taking up flying I loathe every minute of it and all the people in the plane as well - and they have evidently a special person for tearing your luggage apart ..." she continues about the damage to her baggage from flying and then talks about the Hadleys who she hasn't seen for "nearly 2 years we make unsuccessful efforts to talk on the telephone but poor Eric he can't hear ... they have really spread themselves - Dorothy Killam's town house - I hadn't heard about the one on Hog Island - I think he is going to sell Great Westward. Think over the idea of coming with Biddy ... Have read Nancy Mitford's book excellent and illustrations wonderful. I am embarked on Macmillan's book but it is hard for me as it starts very early. I am not up to dealing with Spaniards in the building department ...", 4 sides 4to., 4 Route du Champ D'Entrainement, Bois de Bologne, Paris, 13th November no year.

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  29550      £750

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WINDSOR (Duchess of, Wallis Simpson, 1896-1986, Wife of Edward VIII)

Photograph Signed 'Wallis Windsor' at the foot of the image, showing her standing full length, full face, on a sunny afternoon, holding the edge of her wide brimmed hat, accompanied by several other ladies on a lawn, 4¾" x 4¼", no place (Bahamas), no date, circa

Item Date:  1942
Stock No:  55195      £475

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WINDSOR (Duchess of, Wallis Simpson, 1896-1986, Wife of Edward VIII)

Typed Letter Signed with autograph salutation to "Dear Major Tolle" saying that she understands that the "weather in Miami is even hotter than here, I am sending you a small present from which I hope you will be able to make yourself and your friends a few cooling drinks ..." and that the gift will come from "the Captain of the ship that you send your supplies on to Nassau...", 1 side 8vo., with original envelope signed with initials, on blue engraved Government House headed & crested paper, Nassau, Bahamas, 23rd July Paperclip mark on top edge not affecting the text

Item Date:  1943
Stock No:  28604      £475

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WINDSOR (Duchess of, Wallis Simpson, 1896-1986, Wife of Edward VIII)

Exceptional long Autograph Letter Signed with initial to “Dearest Martha” saying that “the Duke and I have the letters about the Memorial to Charlie. We think it a wonderful idea. And so appropriate having it connected with the Boys Club at Locust Valley and I am sure as the letter says ‘It will be something that will please him’. I don’t suppose a day goes by that all of us who knew him well do not think of him... I simply cannot realize yet that I cannot sit down and write him nonsense and receive some in return. We are sending a much too small cheque to the fund. I wanted to tell you the reason we could not make it more, actually at the moment due to the cost of living here we are feeling rather pinched - and do not seem to be able to raise our income for the moment. We have just heard from Charlie Muir that he has persuaded Edith to come over with him we are thrilled and delighted that we are to see her - they, I believe are joining us in Biarritz - I have offered the attic in Paris for that part of her stay but I think she will stay at Charlie’s apartment which is more comfortable plus an extra man on the spot!... I know some people have cancelled their trips due to the Middle East. Monsieur Spaak... didn’t feel that was necessary - we have had the most awful (to be said like Ellen) summer - only about 10 days of sun... I have no gossip from here - that seems to be mainly among the Peerage - the English papers have a tasty bit each day about Lords and Ladies, the famous reserve seems to be ‘rocked n rolled’ over. Tender lover and we are truly sorry not to be able to give more towards such a wonderful thought for a wonderful person...”, 4 sides 4to., on separate sheets, Moulin de la Tuilerie headed paper, 4th August, no year, circa

Item Date:  1960
Stock No:  42080      £1250

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