(John Byam Liston Shaw, 1872-1919, Painter, Illustrator, Designer and Teacher, commonly known as “Byam Shaw”)
Early Illustrated Autograph Letter, written over several weeks, Signed 'Byam' to "My dear ‘Stacie'"
saying that she “will think me a very wicked youth not to have written before but in consequence of my large correspondence &c &c &c. I went to the pantomime at Drury Lane yesterday with Glencavin & Mary, it’s ‘Puss in boots’ you know, it was fearfully fine. I have an oil painting & a set of Xmas cards in an exhibition in Derby they are the first things I have ever got into an exhibition...”, the next part starts that it seems “I should never finish this letter but I really must. try and get it done today. I have just bought a ‘topper’!...”, here he has put a pen and ink self portrait showing him wearing a caped overcoat and top hat, next to another one of him playing the piano and singing, the next part says “I seem as if I should never go on with this... I will finish it today. Glen has bought an American Organ with some money that a Mr Brown sent her, I am tryig to learn to play it (see illustration) I suppose you are broiling while at this present moment it is pouring here. I don’t know quite whether I sent you one of these photos of the ‘Stuffed Pig’ or not however I am sending one now...” with illustrations of Stacie sitting in the sun and Byam in the rain, he ends with the wish that “if you are writing to Pudds you wd tell her I am awfully sorry not to have written but you see what a short time I havae taken to write this, however, I have finished it at last you see. Good bye dear Stacie, I hope you are flourishing...”, with a final picture of a horse carrying a banner with the word ‘love’, 4 sides 8vo., 103 Holland Road, 15th and 29th January and 3rd March
the face is missing from the first drawing because of the ink wearing through the paper
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(Philip Hermogenes, 1833-1898, R.A., Painter)
Autograph Letter Signed to Francis Jessopp,
saying "Abraham Cooper R.A. ... died many years ago, and before I was a member of the Academy. He certainly was not the father of my colleague T. Sidney Cooper ... I have never heard of his signature ... being peculiar - His 'Diploma Picture' hangs on our walls (open every day free to the public) and an inspection of it, would tell you more about his style than mere written descriptions ...", 2 sides 7" x 4½", Burlington House, Piccadilly, 21st January
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(Philip Hermogenes, 1833-1898, R.A., Painter)
Signature and Subscription from the end of a letter,
no date, circa
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(Sir Augustus Wall, 1779-1844, Landscape Painter)
Enigmatic Autograph Letter Signed to George COOKE
(1781-1834, Engraver and Print Publisher, Brother of W. B. Cooke and father of the Marine Painter Edward William, 1811-1880, RA) saying that he has "given me a puzzler! After going through all your fors and againsts I can only make out that Sunday I am not to come because you will want me at another time putting everything out of the question that has nothing to do with it - physical or otherwise - and without any unnecessary preliminary discussion I will humbly say that as in the first ordination of nature the primary matters of which Chaos was construct to render most perfect confusion where confusion was the sole object - and further as it is well known that all causation is the effect of the cause that has another cause and still further that if something be added to nothing the increase will be indivisible so I think may be trebly considered on this occasion your confusion or Chaos ... as I always give up my opinion and prefer that of others to my own when I know they know best so I deem it quite unnecessary that you should wait to submit the plate to me previous to 'entering process' and therefore shall hope to find you up to your elbows when I arrive... if the coaches should not prove perfidious. If there be any truth in Man and if there be nothing in the art of engraving that militates against the aforesaid trust then I ask of you to ... let no ceremonious scruples prevent the aqua fortis from bursting its present bonds as soon as possible ...", ending with a postscript of several sketches of heads, 3 sides 4to., with integral autograph address leaf with seal, Kensington, 28th May
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(Count Isaac de, 1851-1911, Member of the House of Camondo, Art Collector, Philanthropist)
Autograph Letter signed, in French with translation, to 'Madam'
acknowledging receipt “of a registered letter containing 1,500 francs which you deliver to me in the name of Mister Jules Huret. Please, Madam, accept the assurance of my respectful sentiments...”, 2 sides 8vo., no place, Saturday, October
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