(John, 1903-1992, Painter & Writer)
Autograph Note Signed to Mr Evans
saing that he had forgotten "to acknowledge your cheque for the Romney Marsh C.P.T., which I have sent on to the Treasurer. Thank you so much! ...", on a coloured postcard of the Benjamin Britten Memorial Window in Aldeburgh, 6" x 4", no place, 10th May
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(Filippo, 1777-1857, Artist, Engraver, Poet & Teacher, elder brother of the medallist Benedetto)
Autograph Letter Signed to Signor PACINI,
in Italian with translation, saying that his brother Benedetto PISTRUCCI, (1783-1855), "returned last Wednesday and ... told me that the following day they would begin to strike the medals ... I believe that at present the work will be going ahead, but it always takes a substantial time for the operation, I am not very familiar with such things", he will write to him "this evening" and also gives Benedetto's address as "at the Royal Mint", he sends greetings "to your lady daughter, and to Signor PAGANINI", (Niccolò, 1782-1840, the great violinist), "After his first public appearances we shall see each other", the writer means "to come and pay him my respects shortly", 1 side 8vo., no place [London], no date, circa
(Translation) Signor Pacini, My brother returned last Wednesday and came to see me in the evening and told me that the following day they would begin to strike the medals, whence I believe that at present the work will be going ahead, but it always takes a substantial time for the operation, I am not very familiar with such things. This evening I will write to him; but here is his address: To Signor B. Pistrucci at the Royal Mint. My greetings to your lady daughter, and to Signor Paganini. After his first public appearances we shall see each other, I mean to come and pay him my respects shortly. Yours most sincerely F. Pistrucci
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(Sir Robert Ker, 1777-1842, Painter and Traveller)
Autograph formal letter to Mr Thompson,
asking him to "send one of his men tomorrow morning exactly at a quarter before ten o'clock to the Pultney Hotel to him. If he should not be there he must wait, as the Princess Volkensky who is with the Grand Duchess of Oldenburg wants a portmanteau with a matress(?) & arranged with a very small compass. Sir Robert gave Mr Thompson's letter for the Lord Berghurst some months since soon after his arrival ...", 1 side 4to., with autograph note in another hand "Mr Yateman, This letter is very Particular", no place, no date
In 1814 the families all came over to the UK and were given honorary degrees
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(Sir Edward J., 1836-1919, Painter, President of the Royal Academy)
Autograph Letter Signed to Mr King,
regretting that it is "quite out of the question that I shd give a lecture as you propose. I have had for years to give up everything of the kind, as I have irons enough in the fire already ...", 2 sides 8vo., 28 Albert Gate, 15th October
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(Sir Edward J., 1836-1919, Painter, President of the Royal Academy)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Clement Hoult,
declining the honour of becoming "President of the Wolverhampton Literary & Scientific Society. I have ... so many duties connected with my profession that it is I fear impossible for me to undertake any further responsibilities ...", 2 sides 8vo., 28 Albert Gate, 29th May
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