(Lt.-Col. Edward Fairbrother, 1862-1929, Keeper of Woodwork at the Victoria and Albert Museum)
Autograph Letter Signed to George Roland Halkett,
(1855-1918, artist and journalist), telling him that "We must have our red tape", and asking him to sign a document, "Rule 1 is the only one bearing on the case. With apologies and many thanks", 2 sides 8vo. black-edged, Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, S.W., 7th July
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(Frederick, 1872-1958, American Illustrator of Magazines and Books, he also drew Political Cartoons)
Charming Original Water Colour Illustration signed and dated
showing a small boy in Dutch clothing with clogs, running away from 3 geese, looking back at them as they run along, 7" x 4½", Letterhead of the "Autograph Collection of Howes Norris Jr", 21st February
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(Sidney, 1891-1956, British Cartoonist)
Fine stylised signature in capitals
on a piece, 6" x 1½", no place, no date
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(Joseph jnr, 1775-1833, Son of the Engraver and Antiquary, Librarian to the Duke of Northumberland)
Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Ogborne
returning "your copy corrected, and a transcript throughout, of the Latin memorial and here follows, in English the concluding sentence, or, rather part of a sentence, beginning after the last period,and with the word Post that you may perceive the defect at the end: But after these and many such like duties (or works of benevolence) or services, rendered both to God and his/her country, and to me, his wife/her husband,and the his/her children .... As to your publication' as a well wisher to literature, I hope it may reward your pains, by meeting with many friends. On looking again at your letter since writing the above, I perceive the personage in question is a lady but the transition is easy, as amended above. But to proceed in answer to your enquiry, whether she was a native of Rumford? The Latin does not say so much, of herself it does not speak at all ... There is no word in the original for her or his the omission is no defect, but a grammatical licence ... With respect to my account, I have kept none, not could I, had such been my intention, have minuted down every moment that has been devoted to the task, the time so employed having been stolen from my (then) vexatious and unprofitable (to me) burthen of my Leicestershire Index, in addition to a world of other occupations suffice it that if the Work meet with success on its trial, and you reimburse your own expended labours, that then you may think of a trifle for my pains ...", he continues about other accounting matters, 2 sides 4to., with integral autograph leaf and seal, Phoenix Row, Isleworth, 23rd August
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(George Ernest, 1878-1948, Commercial artist best remembered for ‘Bonzo the Dog’)
Autograph Caricature of 'Bonzo' signed and dated
underneath the picture of ‘Bonzo’ on card, 3¾” x 2½”, no place,
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