(Peter, 1816-1869, Author and Critic, son of Allen Cunningham)
Autograph Letter Signed to Henry CAMPKIN
(1815-1890, Author) thanking him for "the errata ... I enclose you another sheet. So pray get on like a good fellow - for if this Quarterly Review notice is favourable there will be a demand for the book. I was elected an F.S.A. having 35 for me and eleven against me - Croker, Fairholt, Haliwell, Bright ... were among the eleven but not Pettigrew and Planché. You asked me some time back for some of my father's handwriting. Pray accept ye characteristic specimen enclosed ...", 2 sidees 8vo., 27the March no year
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(Laure Constance, 1784-1838, French writer, wife of Marshal Junot, Duchesse)
AN unsigned, in French with translation,
to 'Monsieur Sainte Barbe', the political writer and poet Joseph Auburtin, saying "the reading is not for today. I spent the night finishing the article which I am giving to the sale for the Poles, ... and I am Dead ... Last year's was worth 1,800 fr. to them", she could not "have given a reading without you!", she asks him whether "Adolphe" has been "put out" by her making the article, "I will get down to work straight away ... and my charming old beau ['céladon'] makes me very happy. I hope he realises that", she will "ask M. d'Amberieux", probably the novelist son of Pierre d'Ambérieux, (1732-1821), "to come too ... bring your stories and you and they will be welcome", 2 sides 16mo with envelope front and seal on separate flap bearing crowned 'C.A.', no place, no date, c.
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(1265-1321, Italian Poet)]
Stitched notebook signed 'H.C. Gibson', titled "Sources of information concerning Dante Alighieri"
compiled for 'Mr B' to use with a pupil, 16 sides 8vo., no date, c.
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(Alphonse, 1840-1897, French novelist and playwright)
Autograph letter signed and subscribed to 'Dear Monsieur and Friend',
in French with translation, saying he has decided, "although not very strong or in good health, to go and spend a few days in London ... Would it be possible to obtain, for me and my family, a customs clearance which would avoid the worry and waiting about that walking cases of nerves find so tiresome?", and hoping that, if he is "speaking out of place", he will "take it with a good grace and the kind feeling you have always shown me", 1 side visiting card 2½" x 4", 31 Rue de Bellechasse (Paris VII), date in another (apparently English) hand 30th April
light remains of laying down on verso
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(Alphonse, 1840-1897, French Writer)
Autograph Letter Signed in French to an unnamed correspondent,
explaining that he is away, "au bout du monde ..." and therefore did not answer his letter, asking him to take and publish what he likes as, if he had been in Paris he would have made the choice himself "Mais je suis si loin, si peu homme de lettres", 1 side oblong 8vo., Chateau de St Estére, par Orgon, no date,
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