(Jean, 1820-1897, English Poet and Novelist)
End of Autograph Letter Signed, "I am ever yours ..."
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(Hammond, b. 1913, Author of Adventure Novels)
Typed Letter Signed to John Barnes
sending an autograph and saying he is "so glad you enjoyed my books. It is always nice to be told ...", 1 side 8vo., Ayres End, Kersey, Suffolk, 12th June
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(Hammond, b. 1913, Author of Adventure Novels)
Fine Typed Letter Signed to Peter HAINING
(1940-2007,Journalist, Author and Anthologist) thanking him for his letter "with your suggestion and so much back-up detail, including the Sherlock Holmes Scrapbook. This last I have not read, only looked through, but even at a glance it looks marvellously intriguing and extremely well produced. Yes ... for the great pleasure he gave me as a kid, I would be very happy to do the introduction to THE RIDER HAGGARD SCRAPBOOK. As you surmise, I am pressed at the moment, but then I am always pressed for one reason or another. I suggest you let me know in due course your deadline .. I will meet it .. I shall undoubtedly need some sort of a list of what you are including ... As you appear to live within virtually a stone's throw of us I suggest we have a brief meeting...", 1½ side 8vo., (together with the carbon copies of Haining's letters to Innes,),4 sides A4, Ayres End, Kersey, Suffolk, 22nd May
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(Washington, 1783-1859, American Author of 'Rip van Winkle')
Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent
sending him "a note to the Lewis's which you can deliver at your convenience ... I am sure you will find yourself well repaid for the trouble of a call by the uncommon merit of their Sketches ...", 1 side 8vo., no place, 19th June
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(Washington, 1783-1859, American Author of 'Rip van Winkle')
Autograph Letter Signed to George Petrie
thanking him for "the genealogical table of my family which you have had the kindness to send me, and gratified by the assurance you give me that the persevering and laborious research of which it is the fruit has been to you a labour of love. My nephew has given me a most interesting account of his visit to the Orkneys, of the highly cultivated and intelligent society he found there and of the great hospitality he experienced from yourself and others...", he goes on to say that he has asked his "publishers to put up for you a copy of my work, which I beg you will accept as a testimonial of my high respect and regard and my gratitude for the genealogical chain by which you have 'connected me so closely with Orkney' ...", together with the complete set of his works that he is referring to, 15 volumes 8vo., blue morocco with gilt tooling, Putnam, New York, 1856, 2 sides 4to., Sunnyside, 16th March
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