Sophie Dupré - Literary

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LANG (Andrew, 1844-1912, Folklorist, Poet & Scholar)

Part Autograph Letter Signed with some text, on one side saying he does not know "Paget, but I think a brother of his married a lady I know, who bore the pleasing name of MOKE. It is not easy to say anything original on those occasions but I can very sincerely congratulate a Paget ...", and on the other side says he is "drowned out fishing. My wife sends her love, and is writing I daresay. I always feel rather depressed when people I like are engaged, but it wears off! ...", half of 2 sides 8vo., no place, no date slightly duststained on the verso

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  21439      £45

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LANG (Andrew, 1844-1912, Folklorist, Poet & Scholar)

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent, he fears that he "shall leave town before July 25, so I cannot hope to be present at the dinner ...", 1 side 8vo., 1 Marloes Rd, Kensington, 4th July no year., slightly duststained on the verso

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  28959      £75

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LANG (Andrew, 1844-1912, Folklorist, Poet & Scholar)

Brief Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent, giving permission to "print the rhymes if you want them ...", 1 side 8vo., St Andrews, 20th March no year., slightly duststained on the verso

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  15412      £85

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LANG (Andrew, 1844-1912, Scottish Folklorist, Poet & Scholar)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed in a very shaky hand to an unnamed correspondent asking he has “made a middle, adding Hanotaux’s new study to Joanne. May I draw your attention to a weird cause célèbre, in Roughead’s Trial of Oscar Slater (Hodge, Glasgow)? It is most astonishing as study of evidence and of ‘probable error’...” he says he has written about it and “can do so again if you like as a very curious point or two need exploring...”, 3 sides 8vo., 1 Marloes Road, 1st October no year but

Item Date:  1911
Stock No:  42220      £145

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LANG (Andrew, 1844-1912, Folklorist, Poet & Scholar)

Brief Autograph Letter Signed to "Dear Minime" telling her that "Mr Longman is in a hurry. How are you getting on? ..." and asking for a reply, 1 side 8vo., 1 Marloes Road, Kensington, 18th June, no year

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  39555      £75

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