(Marie, 1855-1924, Novelist)
Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent,
saying that she will be "very pleased if I can make arrangements with Franklin Fraenbrek. Will you ask her to write to me direct here ...", 3 sides 8vo., 47 Longridge Road, Earl's Court, SW, 15th July
small tears on central fold
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(Marie, 1855-1924, Novelist)
Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Dear Madam’
saying that she has “received the altered edition of your poem on the ‘Soul of Lilith’ for which I thank you heartily...”, 1 side 8vo., 47 Longridge Road, Earl's Court, SW, 9th December
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(Geoffrey, b. 1919, Novelist, Author of 'Westward the Sun', 1952)
Autograph Letter Signed to Eileen Cond,
saying he is "so glad you caught up with me", and returning her bookplate signed, 1 side 4to., Ham Frith, Grove Park, Wanstead, E.11., 7th October
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(Pierre, 1838-1913, nom-de-plume of Mlle. Augustine Favre de Coulevain, French Writer)
Autograph Letter Signed, in French with translation, to an unnamed correspondent,
thanking her "a thousand times" for her "floral memento", adding "If the good one does brought happiness you would have enough and to spare", and hoping the south of France "may help you to get over the crisis through which you are passing", Coulevain is completing " 'The Unknown Island' my notorious book on England" which has "grown enormously", whatever its reception "by English and French people ...when I lay down my pen I shall be conscious of having been fair and impartial. I doubt whether it will give as much pleasure as 'On the Branch' and yet it is stronger - in my view at least", ending "You have not been idle. You have not been useless ... the forces which govern us all are constantly using you without you knowing it ... I pray that all through this year they will bring you joy", 4 sides 8vo., Hotel Bellevue, Avenue de l'Opera, Paris, 3rd January
two transparent tabs on fourth side, one just touching one letter
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(William John, 1842-1917, Writer and Historian of Poetry)
Autograph Letter signed to 'Dear Madam'
saying that he trusts "you will acquit me of churlishness if I reply that I am obliged to leave the responsibility of verifying the correctness of the extract to yourself. I receive frequent applications to be allowed to reprint passages from 'the Paradise of Birds' and though I have no wish to stand rigidly on the Law of Copyright, yet, as in these days of indolent reading the numerous books of 'selections' affect injuriously the sale of original works, I consider it just to protect myself as an author by making the conditions named in my last letter to you. You will readily understand that this is a rule to which I cannot easily make exceptions. The last edition of 'The Paradise of Birds' (an illustrated one) was published last October by Messrs Hatchards at a very moderate price ..." with a postscript that says "If you publish the passage from 'The Paradise of Birds' will you have the goodness to see that my name (which is usually mis-spelt) is correctly given? ...", 3 sides 8vo., Civil Service Commission, Westminster headed paper, 27th June
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