(Gerald, 1925-1995, Naturalist, Writer, Conservationist and Television Presenter)
Typed Letter Signed with a “G” and a heart with an arrow going through it, with Autograph Salutation to “My very dear Marge”
saying that “it was marvellous meeting you, and the longer you stay in Copenhagen the more it will incite me to come back and attack your wine cellar, but I hope by then you will have some decent records to play! Seriously, though, you entertained us wonderfully well and I am most grateful for all you did, and even if we don’t meet in Copenhagen I hope that you will come over to Jersey one day and get drunk on my wine...”, 1 side A4 on his headed paper with a dodo in a red circle at the top, Les Augres Manor, Jersey, together with a fine unsigned photo by Sven Aage Andersen showing him half length kissing a goat, 8” x 6½”, 8th October
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(Elizabeth, 1809-1893, née Rigby, Authoress and Traveller, wife of Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, 1793-1865, President of the Royal Academy, 1850-1865)
Autograph letter signed to Lady Castletown
saying that her letter “has been much on my mind. But in truth, while waiting for better days & nights I have only had worse! till I am somewhat worn out. No opiates touch me - except quantities of chloral, & the pain goes on exactly as furiously through its drowsiness or without it. I am so glad you and yours know ‘Jackanapes’, as for Irving he was not so easily obtained as I thought & only Saturday brought the little vol. to me. I send it on to today... I am sure you will like the analyses of the dramatic art as well as the analysis of (to me) odious... Meanwhile I take short sips of yr strong thoughtful book ‘The Natural Laws’. I am certain the theory must be true - all is Law & harmony in God’s world & in the relations of its different parts. Both yr charming books are safe with me - or rather safe to get back to their owner... Pray keep Irving if you fancy him. I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather somewhere. I am flooded with sunshine but Pain enjoys nothing! I must hope to give you a better account before long - meanwhile do not trouble your kind hearts about me...”, 4 sides 8vo., 7 Fitzroy Square, 12th March
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(Umberto, 1932-2016, Italian Novelist, Literary Critic and Philosopher)
Autograph Note in French, Signed to "Chére Martine",
cut from a full letter, saying that he is interested in her research and asking her what her interests are, 8" x 3½", no place, no date
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(Henry Sutherland, 1828-1906, Novelist and Journalist)
Autograph Letter Signed to John F. Boyes,
(theatre critic of the Daily News), saying "Your friend got in all right. I did my best; but he did not need my support", 1 side 8vo, The Reform Club, 'Thursday 28th' n.y., c.
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(John Edward Reginald Wyndham, 1920-1973, unpaid Private Secretary Prime Minister Macmillan, 1957-1963, from 1963 1st Baron)
Autograph Letter Signed to Donald McCormick,
(1911-1998, Historian of the Secret Services as 'Richard Deacon'), saying "I am most grateful. You are bloody marvellous", attractive view of Petworth House at head, 1 side 8vo., as from Petworth House, 12th February
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