Sophie Dupré - Military or Naval

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LAMBART (Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of Cavan, 1865-1946, Viscount Kilcoursie from 1887 to 1900, Field Marshal)

Clerk Written Letter Signed 'Cavan', to an unnamed correspondent telling him that he is "sorry to tell you that Lady Alicia Blackwood died last night aged 95. The Funeral will take place at Stoke Hammond 3 miles from Bletchley at 2pm on Saturday August 2 ... Conveyances will meet trains ...", 2 sides 8vo., The House, Wheathampstead, 30th July

Item Date:  1913
Stock No:  41755      £145

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LANE (Sir Ronald Bertram, 1847-1937, Lieutenant-General)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. Allchin, asking him to come, "I have a touch of influenza ... & besides getting your valuable advice I shall be so glad to have a talk with you", 2 sides 8vo, 14 Curzon Street, Mayfair, W.1., 4th March

Item Date:  1904
Stock No:  17708      £35

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LANGTRY (Lillie, 1853-1929, Lady de Bathe, English Actress, Mistress of Edward VII, 'The Jersey Lily')

Fine unsigned Portrait Photograph, by W. & D. Downey showing her head and shoulders, ilooking straight ahead, wearing a low cut dress and a choker of pearls, 5½" x 3¾", in mount 10" x 8", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1890
Stock No:  40703      £325

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LAUDERDALE (John Maitland, 1616-1682, Secretary for Scotland 1660-1680, 1st Duke)

Pen Portrait, head and shoulders wearing Garter Star, pencilled note of artist 'G. Eynsford R.A.' [sic, we have not traced him], blind stamp of the Reform Club, no date, c.

Item Date:  1840
Stock No:  20033      £40

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LAWSON (Sir John, 1615-1665, Vice-Admiral)

Fine Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent asking him “to help the Bearer hereof what posible you can in the getting his petition presented to the Right Honorable Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy which will bee in supplicating for some Release in consideration of his great losse sustained in his vessell being suncke by the Bryer friggatt one of the States vessells... I have knowne him for some yeares, most of these late troublesome times and that hee has always manifested Affection to the Parliament. Hee haith suffered much losse of late... what you can doe in the helping the poore man to some comfort and refreshment I am sure will bee a very Just and Acceptable service to God and will further Ingaige hee that is...”, 1 side folio, Fairfax in the Downs, 28th June

Item Date:  1654
Stock No:  42222      £750

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