(Horatio, Viscount, 1758-1805, Admiral)]
Letter in the third person in the hand of his chaplain and foreign language secretary Alexander John SCOTT
(1768-1840), to Agostino MILLELIRE, Commander of the Port at La Maddalena, Sardinia, in French with translation, inviting him "to dine on board his ship next Sunday" and at the same time "not to give himself the trouble of coming aboard tomorrow morning", with a P.S. requesting that Millelire "bring with him the Officer of the Garrison commanding the Troops", 1 side 4to. and conjugate blank, no place but on board Victory at La Maddalena, 'Thursday 27th' (?really 25th) January no year but
(Translation) Milord Viscount Nelson presents his Compliments to Comandante Millelire and requests him to dine on board his ship next Sunday, at the same time he prays the Comandante not to give himself the trouble of coming aboard tomorrow morning. Thursday 27th January [1804]. The Comandante is also asked to be so kind as to bring with him the Officer of the Garrison commanding the Troops.
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(Horatio, Viscount, 1758-1805, Admiral)]
Letter in the third person in the hand of his chaplain and foreign language secretary Alexander John SCOTT,
(1768-1840), to Agostino MILLELIRE, Commander of the Port at La Maddalena, Sardinia, in Italian with translation, saying "His Excellency is infinitely grateful ... for his kindness, in sending yesterday the freshly made riscotti", also requesting him "to ensure that the enclosed parcel [not present] reaches the Commander of the first man-of-war of His Britannic Majesty that shall appear in these waters", 1 side folio and conjugate blank, on board Victory, [La Maddalena], 15th February
(Transcription) S[ua] E[ccelenza] ringrazia infinitamente Il Commandante Millalire per la sua bontà, mandando gli ieri, di riscotti freschi, e prega il Commandante di far capitare l'inchiuso piego al Commandante del primo bastimento di guerra di S[ua] M[aestà] Britannica che si presentarà in questi mari. abordo La Victoria Febbraro. ai 15. 1804 (Translation) His Excellency is infinitely grateful to Comandante Millelire for his kindness, in sending yesterday the freshly baked cookies, and requests the Comandante to ensure that the enclosed parcel reaches the Commander of the first man-of-war of His Britannic Majesty that shall appear in these waters. On board Victory 15th February 1804.
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(Horatio, Viscount, 1758-1805, Admiral)
Excellent Autograph Letter written with his left hand, Signed ‘Nelson & Bronte’ to to the Right Honourable Charles YORKE
(1764-1834, Politician, Home Secretary) saying that “since I wrote you this morning to introduce Lt Col. Suckling to your notice, I understand that there are two Inspectors of Barracks vacant. If you will have the goodness to give my relation one of these appointments it will be a great obligation conferred upon... Your very obedient servant...”, 1 side 4to., with conjugate blank, no place, 23rd July
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(Thomas Wodehouse Legh, M.P., 1857-1942, 2nd Baron, Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Controller, Prisoners of War Department, 1916-1919)
Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Bannatyne Finlay, 1842-1929, Lord Chancellor
(1916-1919) saying that they "have tried quite unsuccessfully hitherto to get the Turks to exchange prisoners; but the Cabinet decided to-day to send me to confer with them in Switzerland ... This officer's case would of course be considered", 1 side 8vo., 6 Belgrave Square, S.W.1., 10th August
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(1856-1929, Grand Duke, Commander in chief of the Russian Army)]
Unsigned postcard photo by Beagles,
showing him head and shoulders in uniform, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date, c.
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