(Cosmo Gordon, 1864-1945, Archbishop of Canterbury at the time of Edward VIII's abdication)
Typed Letter Signed to the Revd. Sir James Marchant, 1867-1956,
Free Church minister and social activist, commenting that "a private gathering of the King and Queen, the Cabinet and leaders of the Church at Armisticetide ... however much it might appeal to you and me" is not possible, he is glad "you have had so much encouragement about Church railings ... which I thought had been fully concluded", 1 side 4to, Old Palace, Canterbury, 5th November
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(Cosmo Gordon, Baron Lang of Lambeth, 1864-1945, Archbishop of Canterbury at the time of the Abdication)
Fine vintage postcard photo by the Rotary Photo Co., signed, ‘C. G. Stepney’
as Suffragan Bishop of Stepney, showing him head and shoulders, full face, in clerical robes, 5½” x 3½”, no place, no date, circa
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(Cosmo Gordon, 1864-1945, Archbishop of Canterbury at the time of Edward VIII’s abdication)
Typed Letter Signed ‘Cosmo Cantuar’ ti Nrs Cane
thanking her for her letter and saying that “it seems very strange to me to think of your husband who I used to remember as ‘Dobbie’ Cane at Magdalen School being old enough if he had lived to have a son at Cambridge and a daughter at Cheltenham College. I am glad you told me although I shall have very little time I fear at Cheltenham but if it is at all possible I will try to see your daughter even if it is only for a moment, but if I do not succeed both you and she will know that I knew that she was of the company...”, 1 side 4to, Lambeth Palace headed paper, 3rd November
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(Cosmo Gordon, 1864-1945, Archbishop of Canterbury at the time of Edward VIII’s abdication)
Typed Letter Signed to Canon BULLOCK-WEBSTER
(George Russell, 1858-1934, Canon and Botanist) saying he has “read you letter... with the greatest possibly [sic] sympathy and regret - sympathy with you in what you tell me about you health which I had hoped to have been thoroughly restored, and regret that you should feel compelled to give up the charge of St. Michael’s, College Hill. I cannot be wholly surprised and I am sure you would not have offered your resignation unless you were persuaded that it was the right course... I cannot therefore do otherwise than acquiesce and in due course try to find a worthy successor in the work to which you have been so devoted. I congratulate you on having attained the Jubilee of your Ordination to the Priesthood, and I pray that God’s peace may be with you...”, 1 side 4to., Lambeth Palace headed paper, 22nd January
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(A., Mayor of Orléans)
LS, in French with translation, to 'My dear Senator',
assuring "Miss Murray that every facility will be accorded her to allow her to offer to Jeanne d'Arc a sheaf of flowers in the colours of England. This gesture, instinct with such delicacy, will be greatly appreciated by the inhabitants, [and] by the Municipal body", and expressing "to her all our thanks", 1 side 8vo., Mayor's Office, Orléans, 5th May
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