(Léo, 1836-1891, French Composer of Light Opera & Ballet, including 'Coppélia')
Unsigned cabinet photo with printed signature by Pierre Sent, Paris,
showing him head and shoulders in an oval, 6¼" x 4¼", no place, (Paris), no date,
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(Léo, 1836-1891, French Composer of Light Opera & Ballet, including 'Coppélia')
Autograph Letter Signed in French with translation to "My dear Colleague"
on a correspondence card, saying he is "very sorry that you took the trouble to come to my house without finding me. On Friday, I have at the same time the meeting of the commission of authors and composers, so I would prefer Tuesday, the 18th? If that can work out that way, it will be for the best. But nevertheless, if there was an impossibility I could at worst miss the society of the authors. ... I'll wait for your summons, to be fixed, and you can count on me. A thousand compliments and good memories ... " 2 sides correspondence card, no place, 8th March no year
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(Léo, 1836-1891, French Composer of Light Opera & Ballet, including 'Coppélia')
Fine Autograph Letter Signed n French with translation to "My dear ESCUDIER"
(Léon, 1821-1881, Prominent French Journalist, Music Critic and Music Publisher) saying that he is "going to spend all Monday in the country - and I shall return on Tuesday afternoon bringing you the finished waltz - it is going well now ... I shall also take the performer's scores, bring them back in the evening with the little traditional word I also ask you not to give out those of the conductors until I have written the above little word. Try, I beg you, to get Du Locie to announce this break very clearly. For a week all the posters have indicated last performances of Romeo, but there has been nothing for us. Besides, I much believe that it is only after the 20th that we shall stop ... I want to take advantage of my leisure time tomorrow ... by writing all the letters I owe, and especially those from Vienna; What can I say for certain to Mr Swoboda, as well as to Mr Janner - I so much want to reply to them in simple fashion, but I can't keep silent any longer - that would be less than polite ...", 4 sides 8vo., no place, no date
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(Léo, 1836-1891, French Composer of Light Opera & Ballet, including 'Coppélia')
Fine Autograph Letter Signed in French with translation to "Dear Friend" in brackets "to Hengel"
saying that he has not "yet received the manuscript of the 2nd act of Jean de Nivelle. Please have a brochure corrected and send it to me tomorrow. There is only one or two pages to correct. It's a reversal, I think, that makes it incomprehensible. I see that nothing has been done today about Lakmé at the theater; Why? I know that we could not gather the main artists but why not take advantage of it to make Bazille work carefully with the 3 girls, and especially Miss Rémy? Before taking a stand on this subject, it is necessary that we can judge on a sufficiently learned and well developed thing. Will you tell Carvalho that I ask him that? My absence can not be used better and it is even better that this work be done without me ...", 4 sides 8vo., no place, no date
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(Léo, 1836-1891, French Composer of Light Opera & Ballet, including 'Coppélia')
Fine Autograph Letter Signed in French with translation to "President and Friend"
apologising for being "so long absent, I was very anxious to attend your next meeting, and I am absolutely prevented from doing so this afternoon, at another meeting I can not miss especially after being warned only yesterday. I send you all my regrets, and if you meet us again for this matter of settlement I urge you not to choose Tuesday ...", 3 sides 8vo., no place, no date
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