Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[EDWARD VII (1841-1910, King of Great Britain) & ALEXANDRA (of Denmark, 1844-1925, his Queen) with William Ewart GLADSTONE (1809-1898, Prime Minister) and his wife CATHERINE (née Glynne, 1812-1900, wife of the Prime Minister)]

Very unusual Unsigned Silver Gelatin Cabinet photo by G. Watmough Webster of Chester showing the Royal couple with the former Prime Minister and his wife, sitting and standing in the Golden Wedding Porch at Hawarden Castle, Gladstone's home in Wales, 6½" x 4½", Hawarden Castle, no date but 10th May

Item Date:  1897
Stock No:  41248      £375

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[EDWARD VII (1841-1910, King of Great Britain) & ALEXANDRA of Denmark, 1844-1925, his Queen)]

Exceptional Unsigned Albumen photo by Downey, signed by the photographer on the mount in white ink, showing the couple standing together almost certainly outside Balmoral, he is wearing a kilt and a mourning band around his arm, both have walking sticks, 4¼" x 2½", no place but Scotland, no date, circa

Item Date:  1902
Stock No:  41559      £375

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[EDWARD VII (1841-1910, King of Great Britain)]

Interesting Handwritte card signed P.L.D. giving admission to the roof of 21 Cambridge Terrace Hyde Park, to view the “Funeral Procession of his Late Majesty King Edward VII” in the 1st Row, with a note that “the Proprietor to not hold Responsible in any accidents etc”, 1 side mourning card 4½” x 3½”, 21 Cambridge Terrace, 20th May

Item Date:  1910
Stock No:  42035      £55

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[EDWARD VII (1841-1910, King of Great Britain), ALEXANDRA (of Denmark, 1844-1925, his Queen), their grandchildren JOHN (1905-1919), GEORGE (1902-1942, Duke of Kent) and MARY (1897-1965, later Princess Royal), their daughter MAUD (1869-1920, Queen of Norway) and her son OLAV V (1903-1991), and other members of their family and guests, 29 people in all)]

Splendid Unsigned Press Portrait Photograph, showing them in three rows on the lawn with trees in the background, the King on the left of the group, later marked up on the verso for the Daily Mail’s obituary of Queen Alexandra, 5” x 9¼”, Sandringham,

Item Date:  1909
Stock No:  42229      £175

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EDWARD VII (1841-1910, King of Great Britain)

Excellent photo signed (‘Albert Edward’) and dated, showing him three quarters length, in uniform, with his hand on his sword, 11¾” x 7”, no place,

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  42575      £675

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