Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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ELIZABETH (The Queen Mother, 1900-2002, Queen of George VI)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to the Rev. F. J. Stone (Dean at Windsor) saying that “the Duke of York & I both send you our deepest sympathy in your very sad loss. I know what it is to lose a brother, and it means very often the end of a most delightful relationship - a brother is a friend, & I do feel for you from the bottom of my heart. Please accept our really sincere condolences - we both feel sad, & can so understand what you must be going through. Don’t come back until. you feel quite able to take over your duties, as after a shock such as you have suffered, the mind & body need to be rested & revived...”, 3 sides 8vo., with original autograph envelope signed with initial, The 145 Piccadilly headed paper, 7th February

Item Date:  1936
Stock No:  43180      £475

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ELIZABETH (The Queen Mother, 1900-2002, Queen of George VI)

Fine Christmas Card signed under the printed message of greeting, opposite a coloured photo of the Queen Mother surrounded by her four grandchildren, Princess Anne & the Princes Charles, Edward and Andrew, 6” x 6” in folded ivory card with gold crest on the front, 8½” x 7½”, no place,

Item Date:  1985
Stock No:  43043      £375

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ELIZABETH (The Queen Mother, 1900-2002, Queen of George VI)

Remarkable collection of Autograph Letters Signed to Lady Cynthia ASQUITH (née Charteris, 1887-1960, Writer and Socialite) comprising 62 sides of handwriting, being 10 complete letters, 5 incomplete ones and a 10 pages essay in the third person about her childhood, the letters largely relate to the book which Lady Asquith wrote about the Queen Mother, ‘The Family Life of the Queen Mother’, published in 1937, she talks about her trips to Scotland and Australia and gives very personal details about her personal likes and dislikes and mentions details that she would prefer not to be included, at one point she talks about “Hutchinsons are producing a revolting concoction by a woman called Mrs Lascelles. An intimate peep into the daily lives of the Duke & Duchess of York by one who is really in the know etc. I shudder don’t you? It is a little hard not to be asked anything, permission by either author or publisher & only pray that it does not make me have breakfast... wearing pink satin pyjamas...”, - this is referring to G. S. Lascelles 1937 book which was subtitled “an intimate, authentic and authoritative biography by an author who has been given inside knowledge”. It originally appeared under the author's name with the title of ‘Our Duke and Duchess’. In another letter she says “It was so kind of you to write me such a delicious letter about your tea with Lilibet. I am so glad that you enjoyed it, and it really was nice of you to say such heart warming things about her. I sometimes wish that I did not lover her so much. I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear that your husband is so ill. There is NOTHING worse than illness and it has a devastating effect on ones life...”, all the letters except the last one that was written in 1950 range from 1927 to the collection has been very badly water damaged with some loss of text but it has been professionally restored and the individual pages have been mounted in acid free paper and bound in an attractive red morocco book

Item Date:  1937
Stock No:  43001      £4750

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[ELIZABETH I (1533-1603, Queen of England)]

Engraving by John Sartain showing her three quarters lenght in her usual dress, 10" x 7", no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  1875
Stock No:  31034      £45

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[ELIZABETH I (1533-1603, from 1558 Queen of England)]

Portion of a letter in her name, with transcription, signed by Thomas Kery, Clerk of the Privy Seal, saying she doubts not "but yt is well knowen what great [cause we have for the defence of our Realm]e to be furnished w[i]th money: And therefore [we require you as other good subiectes did this] laste yeare lende us sundrye so[m]mes of money", and asking the addressee to "lende us in like manner ... to suche parson" as her Privy Council shall appoint as Collector "in that shire, w[hi]ch we promise to [cause to be duely repaid ... at the end]e of one yeare in o[u]r receipt upon the [shewinge of this privy Seale subscribed by] the said Collecto[u]r. Geven vnder o[u]r [privie seal]", 1 side 4" x 4", no place, 17th or 27th November "in the xxxiijth [three and thirtieth] yeare of o[u]r raigne", lacking a few words at the beginning of lines, but the sense can be well made out and supplied from a similar letter in the British Library

Item Date:  1590
Stock No:  51616      £750

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