(James, 1899-1986, American Actor)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed 'Jim' to 'Dear Anne'
saying that "The piece on Ireland's film industry was excellent. I'm pleased [John] Huston is taking a hand as he has a driving ego that could get the boys and girls moving. The job that we did there was very efficiently handled and the technicians all did their work very well and very willingly. There was none of the 'that's not my department' that I could see. All pulled together ... had an English director who didn't know his behind from a tin bucket but he could do very little to hurt things. The direction was largely explicit in the writing which is as it should be and things moved along well. His name is Michael Anderson'. Haven't heard of him lately. The Cohan play is not going to be easy. I've had some scripts sent to me over the years which tried to capture the flavor of the man and his times and they were all sadly lacking in any real excitement. They say they have some great music which he had written but had never published. I sat at an audition in New York when a gal named Walsh sang the songs with the idea of doing a follow up on 'Y.D.D.'. None was worth the attempt. She sang them well too ...", 2 sides 4to., no place, Thursday, no date
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(John William, stage name of J.W. Cole, c. 1793-1870, Actor)
Autograph letter signed to 'Dear Sir',
saying "about the Bells Illustrations ... I ... would rather you took your own time, as perhaps you may ... by degrees ... collect for me a compleat set, but I would prefer not having them mounted ... Smirke's Illustrations did not go beyond 3 or 4 numbers, but I wish to have all that were published - Im glad to find you have got the portrait of Abbott for me", with a P.S. "Recommenced our season last night with a fine house. Do you deal in Theatrical Books as well as prints?", 1 side 4to., Theatre Royal, Dublin, 4th November
spike hole touching two letters, two small tears in blank top margin
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(John William, stage name of J.W. Cole, circa 1793-1870, Actor)
Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Sir',
saying "Mr. & Mrs. Walton ... have also been mentioned to me by Dowling, ... who you may recollect in our young days in Society, but I have I regret to say no vacancies or any probability at present ... in lines of acting so important as they wish to fill ... My people ... find themselves so comfortable", if they can meet in London "it will give me the greatest possible pleasure to take so dear a friend by the hand. How many generations of our contemporaries have 'shuffled off' since you and I first met, & here we are still. Fortune has given me many hard nuts, but I hope she has used you more kindly", 2 sides 8vo., York, 9th September
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(Phyllis, 1915-2002, Film, Stage & Television Actress)
Charming Portrait Postcard Photo with printed signature,
showing her head and shoulders, nearly full face, her right hand resting across the back of her chair, and with a most engaging smile in her eyes, titled 'A Gainsborough Star', 5½" x 3½", no date, circa
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(Adelaide Helen, 1836-1921, Mrs. Charles Calvert, née Biddles, Actress)
Signed Portrait Cabinet Photo, by Alfred Ellis,
signed "Adelaide Calvert" across the white flounce of her dress, showing her full length, almost full face, as Mrs Theodore Bendyshe in Henry V. Esmond's "One Summer's Day", with bonnet and parasol, dated on verso 5th January
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