(Léon, 1833-1822, French Painter)
Autograph Letter Signed to 'Monsieur',
asking him to "be so kind as to look at the enclosed telegram [not present] ... from the American lady ['grande dame'] your neighbour in the studio. You will see that she is obliged to leave at any moment", and to allow Bonnat "to devote to her the sitting which you had the kindness to reserve for me today", he promises "to make up the lost time and will have the honour, if you are agreeable, to expect you tomorrow, Saturday, at the usual time of 2 o'clock", 4 sides 8vo., 45 rue de Bassano, Paris, 'Friday' no date, circa
fold on side 4 a little dust marked without loss (Translation) 45, rue de Bassano Friday Sir, Would you be so kind as to look at the enclosed telegram [not present] which I received yesterday evening. It is from the American lady ['grande dame'] your neighbour in the studio. You will see that she is obliged to leave at any moment. Allow me therefore to devote to her the sitting which you had the kindness to reserve for me today. I promise to make up the lost time and will have the honour, if you are agreeable, to expect you tomorrow, Saturday, at the usual time of 2 o'clock. I pray you be assured, Sir, with my regrets and all my apologies, of my highest regards. Léon Bonnat
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(Léon, 1833-1922, French Painter)
Photograph by Braun, Clément & Cie, signed and dated on the mount
by the artist, showing him seated, full length, three quarter face, with brush and palette, below and to the left of a fine life-size portrait, 6½" x 4¾" in contemporary gilt frame 9" x 6¾", Paris, 22 July
frame a little chipped
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(George Henry, 1833-1905, A.R.A., Printer and Illustrator)
Autograph Letter Signed to Madame de Knoop,
hoping that his wife "will soon be herself again and able to come and thank you for your most kind sympathy", 1 side 8vo., The Reform Club, S.W., 6th November
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(George Henry, R.A., 1833-1905, Anglo-American Landscape and Genre Painter, Illustrator and Writer)
Autograph Letter Signed on a correspondence card to Miss Schlerner
saying that she is "sweetly kind in your remembrance of my fragile promise. (It may bend, but I hope it won't break). The days you give me are already 'mine no more'. My American friends are coming in such clouds that I have got into a whirlpool of 'fun days' - I fear the trees will bloom and turn to ripe fruit ere I get a breathing spell ... I cannot hope to be able to help gather the apples at least the green ones ... that will be something to look forward to ...", 2 sides card, West House, Campden Hill headed card, Sunday, no date,
slightly creased in centre not affecting the text
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(Sir Frank, 1867-1956, R.A., Etcher and Painter of Murals)
Small pen and ink sketch Signed in full
showing a windmill with a horse and cart next to it and threatening clouds behind, 4½” x 3½”, no place, no date
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