(Ludwig, 1825-1884, German War Artist)
Autograph Letter Signed 'Ludwig Burger, Artist' in German (with translation) to his publishers,
saying he would "be happy to undertake the 4 - 5 illustrations and the ... cover design ... but must ask you to choose the themes for the drawings in good time" and to send "precise information as to how the drawings are to be delivered", asking them to make sure they have available "engravers who are skilled at doing the shading", 1 side 8vo. with conjugate blank, 15 Trebbiner Str., Berlin, 29th June
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(Sir Edward, 1833-1898, Pre-Raphaelite Painter)
Fine early Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent
enclosing "2 letters addressed to a friend whom I had questioned about the Engraving: one from Julia is I believe from the best and most important wood engraver - and if you were desirous of being in communication with him I could send for a note of introduction. I know nothing of Mr Thomas - but I am unusually ignorant about contemporary work and my testimony is of no value at all against a man, but of some use for him. The terms seem everywhere small - but they appear systematised. Any further difficulty you may have I shall be happy to explain if I can ...", 1 side 8vo., no place, no date, circa
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(Sir Edward, 1833-1898, Pre-Raphaelite Painter)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Mr FRIPP
(Alfred Downing, 1822-1895, Watercolour Artist) telling him that "on Monday I am sending to the gallery all the things I can collect. One of them is perhaps altogether unsuitable - it is a big watercolour never exhibited - & about 5ft by 2½ - a figure of Charity with some children - not highly finished so that possibly it may come under the head of sketches - if it is unsuitable - you & the committee will judge ... There is a possibility that it may not reach the gallery till Tuesday for Lady Wantage who owns the picture is still away & correspondence has been difficult - however she has telegraphed to her country house for it to be sent up ... if it is unfit for size or other reasons - such as unfitting for the character of the exhibition please have no scruple in telling me. I work so little in water colour now that unexhibited examples of mine are difficult to get ...", 3 sides 8vo., The Grange, West Kensington headed paper, no date but circa
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(Edward John, 1905-1976, Painter)
Autograph Letter Signed in red biro on line paper to "Dear Bertram",
thanking him for his letter and saying he has been away and that he is "sending some letters etc I had, I've not dared to read them again and I may have something more as I never can find anything, if any more turn up I'll send them, no doubt there are some more remains hiding somewhere ...", 1 side A4., Springfield, Rye, no date,
filing holes not affecting the text
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(John Byam Liston Shaw, 1872-1919, Painter, Illustrator, Designer and Teacher, commonly known as “Byam Shaw”)
Early Illustrated Autograph Letter, written over several weeks, Signed 'Byam' to "My dear ‘Stacie'"
saying that she “will think me a very wicked youth not to have written before but in consequence of my large correspondence &c &c &c. I went to the pantomime at Drury Lane yesterday with Glencavin & Mary, it’s ‘Puss in boots’ you know, it was fearfully fine. I have an oil painting & a set of Xmas cards in an exhibition in Derby they are the first things I have ever got into an exhibition...”, the next part starts that it seems “I should never finish this letter but I really must. try and get it done today. I have just bought a ‘topper’!...”, here he has put a pen and ink self portrait showing him wearing a caped overcoat and top hat, next to another one of him playing the piano and singing, the next part says “I seem as if I should never go on with this... I will finish it today. Glen has bought an American Organ with some money that a Mr Brown sent her, I am tryig to learn to play it (see illustration) I suppose you are broiling while at this present moment it is pouring here. I don’t know quite whether I sent you one of these photos of the ‘Stuffed Pig’ or not however I am sending one now...” with illustrations of Stacie sitting in the sun and Byam in the rain, he ends with the wish that “if you are writing to Pudds you wd tell her I am awfully sorry not to have written but you see what a short time I havae taken to write this, however, I have finished it at last you see. Good bye dear Stacie, I hope you are flourishing...”, with a final picture of a horse carrying a banner with the word ‘love’, 4 sides 8vo., 103 Holland Road, 15th and 29th January and 3rd March
the face is missing from the first drawing because of the ink wearing through the paper
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