(Sir Frank, 1853-1928, President of the Royal Academy)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Butler Wood
replying to his letter and saying that he regrets "that I shall be unable to comply with your request that I should send the two works you mention for exhibition at Bradford. They were both purchased before they were sent to the Academy & although the owners have kindly consented to their being exhibited one in Liverpool & the other in Manchester I feel I cannot ask them to allow these pictures to be absent from their walls for a longer period than is necessary for this purpose ...", 2 sides 8vo., The Fowey Hotel headed paper, with a delightful vignette of the hotel on the sea with a boat sailing in front, Fowey, Cornwall, 24th August
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(Walt, 1901-66, Cartoonist, creator of Mickey Mouse)]
Superb photo with a secretarial signature
possibly signed by Floyd Gottredson, showing him half length, seated, looking slightly to one side, wearing a check jacket, 10" x 8", no place, no date, circa
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(William Charles Thomas, 1817-1898, Painter, R. A.)
Autograph Letter Signed to S. C. HALL
?(Samuel Carter, 1800-1889, Author & Editor), apologising for his late reply as he has just returned from the Continent and saying that "it will give me great pleasure to make an illustration for your poem if you will kindly let me have an early opportunity of choosing a subject - in the last ... I delayed it so long that the best subjects were all gone ..." and saying how glad he is that the last poem was such a success, 2 sides 8vo., Eldon Dawes, Hampstead, 10th September
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(Gustave, 1833-1882, French Painter & Illustrator)]
Unsigned carte de visite photo Photograph, originally issued by Fairless & Beeforth,
proprietors of the Doré Gallery, 35, New Bond Street, London, showing him head and shoulders, unusually in three quarter profile to the viewer's right and wearing a modern-style tie, theedge of his white waistcoat and of his Légion d'honneur in hisleft lapel just visible, in an oval, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date, the original London 1880, this reproduction by Ritz & Hastings of 147 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass, circa 1882-
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(Gustave, 1833-1883, French Painter & Illustrator)]
Fine unsigned carte-de-visite photo by Pierre Petit
showing him full length, standing with one leg up on a chair, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date
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