(Gustave, 1833-1882, French Painter & Illustrator)]
Fine unsigned carte-de-visite photo by Elliott and Fry
showing him head and shoulders in profile, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date, circa
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(Gustave, 1832-1882, French Illustrator, Etcher and Painter)
Autograph Letter Signed with initials, in French with translation, to ‘My dear Leleux’ ’,
saying that he “did not sleep after reading your letter, on the contrary. And to reward you for the pleasure your words have given to me, I send you a copy of an epitaph found in a cemetery in the Vosges department, the beginning of which have just brightened up Lundi society: I respect the document, ‘here lies truly missing lady C.P. wife of Mr S.P.’ This lady born for the trade, at the age of 19 before her marriage alone holding the part of the draperies. Shortly after, she brought together other branches which stopped with her, her work occupying her night and day, her desires to acquire the esteem and confidence of everyone by her behaviour. His life was courageous in his travels, firm in his projects, bold in his expeditions, but too sensitive to aggravating circumstances. Her life was cut short and she ended her career on June 6, 1822 without having made any mistake in her life. That’s all! With much respect and friendship around you...”, 2 sides 8vo.,
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(Gustave, 1832-1882, French Illustrator, Etcher and Painter)
Autograph Letter Signed with initials, in French with translation, to ‘My dear’ ’,
saying that that “You always will find me at my hotel between half eleven and one o’clock and fully at your disposal. As for the gallery, I am not there regularly but it is easy to agree on a time to meet up...”, 1 side 8vo., Bath Hotel, Piccadilly headed paper, Wednesday, no date
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(Gustave, 1833-1882, French Painter & Illustrator)
Fine carte-de-visite photo by NADAR signed and inscribed
“à Monsieur Lodi, souvenir sympathique” under the picture which shows him half length, seated in an elaborately frilled chair, 4¼” x 2½”, no place, no date
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(1st Baron, George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1797-1833, F. R. S.)
Autograph Letter Signed 'G. Agar Ellis' to T. Coates
at 29 Percy Street, Rathbone Place, saying "The enclosed was sent under cover to me ... his remarks are not without some justness in them", 1 side 8vo., address and seal on verso, Spring Garden[s], 5th March
slight charring during sealing, small piece held by seal on opening
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