(Sir Luke, 1844-1927, Painter)
Postcard photo by the Rotary Photo Co., signed and dated
showing him head and shoulders in profile, 5½” x 3½”, addressed in his hand on the verso to Frank Smith in Bromley, no place, postmarked Harrogate, 15th October
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(Sir Luke, 1844-1927, Painter)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent
saying that on his “arrival from abroad a few days ago, I found among my letters awaiting my return, one from you, dated the 6th inst, requesting my autograph; also, a post card from you... somewhat petulantly complaining of my inattention to your request. I forward it now...”, 1 side 4to., 11 Melbury Road, Kensington, 27th October
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(Sir Luke, 1844-1927, Painter, R.A.)
Fine signature
on card, 4½” x 3½”, no place, no date
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(Sir William Russell, R.A., 1880-1969, Artist and Illustrator)
Fine Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent
thanking him for his letter and for your “very complimentary interest in my water-colour paintings. I do not give lessons, I never have, it is quite impossible for me to give you any instruction I fear. I am amused by your reference to my ‘transparent settlement washes’ & I have to confess that I have never heard of Guptill’s book. One piece of w-colour advice - use big brushes, the best paper & plenty water...”, 2 sides 8vo., Peel Cottage, Campden Hill Road, W8 headed paper, 17th June
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(Sir William Russell, R.A., 1880-1969, Artist and Illustrator)
Fine Autograph letter signed to "My dear Sandilands"
saying that he has "done an awful thing - lost that child's drawing amid the plethora of Xmas cards and calendars! I'll find it though. I had a good ponder over it & really I don't think there is anything very special about it. A little more decorative than the average, but that's about all. I hope the parents won't be dismally disappointed. I like your Praise of the Lakes, a darling little anthology ...", sending thanks and best wishes and ending with a postscript that he expects "the child's parents will exclaim 'the man's a fool'", 1 side folio, Peel Cottage, Campden Hill, W8 headed paper, 26th December
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