Sophie Dupré - Art

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FRINK (Dame Elisabeth, 1930-1993, Sculptor)

Fine Autograph Note Signed ‘Liz’ to ‘Dear Sheridan’ on the verso of a coloured postcard of her bronze ‘Running Man’, thanking him for his “nice letter. I am so glad you liked the exhibition. It’s a traumatic experience seeing it all there...”, 1 side postcard, no place, no date but circa

Item Date:  1980
Stock No:  42794      £175

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FRINK (Dame Elisabeth, 1930-1993, Sculptor)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed Elizabeth Frink’ to ‘Dear Mrs Russell’ thanking them “both very much indeed for a lovely evening which we enjoyed enormously...”, 1 side A4, 24 Seymour Walk, SW10, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  42805      £225

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FRITH (William P., 1819-1909, Artist), Sir Luke FILDES (1844-1927, Painter), Seymour LUCAS (1849-1923, Genre Painter, R.A.) and Henrietta WARD (1832-1924, Artist)

Menu in honour of his 89th birthday signed by his friends and family, the cover has a photographic reproduction of his painting "The Derby Day", inscribed "Wm Frith C.V.O. Jany 9th 1908, 89th Birthday. Many happy returns of the day", inside are the signatures and the menu for the dinner, starting with "Consommé Royal, Potage Tortue. Turbot à l'Innocent, Petites Crèmes de Homard en Mayonnaise ..." continuing with Hare, Poularde, Mutton and finishing with Christmas pudding and mince pies, 7½" x 4½" folded card, together with a small photo of Frith with his signature underneath, 2" x 2", and a small pencil sketch presumably done by one of the guests, the menu 40 Great Cumberland Place, 9th January the two leaves of the menu have separated at the fold

Item Date:  1908
Stock No:  40593      £225

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FRITH (William P., 1819-1909, Artist)

Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Wolsley saying he has "pleasure in complying with your request for my autograph", 1 side 8vo., Ashenhurst, 7 Sydenham Rise, Forest Hills, 18th April

Item Date:  1898
Stock No:  40297      £45

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FRITH (William P., 1819-1909, Artist)

Final page of an Autograph Letter Signed to James Wilkinson obviously thanking him for "your appreciation, only too generous, of my book", 1 side 8vo., no place, no date but

Item Date:  1887
Stock No:  33397      £35

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