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GILBERT (Sir John, 1817-1897, Historical Painter, Illustrator and Engraver, R. A.)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr Agnew, thanking him for his "kindly remembrance of me. Your invitation to dine with you ... I should have been very glad to accept but I cannot have that pleasure. The heavy and anxious daily work at the Acady which beings on the 29th inst - the selection and offer, the hanging of the works sent for exhibition is most fatiguing - more than that I am troubled with rheumatism which sends me home as early as possible, dreading the cold and damps of night ...", 2 sides 8vo., Blackheath, 18th March, no year but circa

Item Date:  1880
Stock No:  41709      £125

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GILBERT (Sir Alfred, 1854-1934, Sculptor of 'Eros' in Piccadilly Circus etc)

Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Wolseley giving his autograph, he says he is "very glad to be able to give you a pleasure so easily and myself an honour by signing myself ...", 1 side oblong 8vo., 18 Maida Vale, W., 18th April

Item Date:  1893
Stock No:  41719      £60

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GILBERT (Sir John, 1817-1897, Historical Painter, Illustrator and Engraver, R. A.)

Autograph Letter Signed to “My dear Bicknell” saying that it “is a fearfully long time since I last received a letter from you. I hope you are well... We have all passed through a severe and most protracted winter, I have felt it, its extreme cold, darkness and universal dullness has oppressed me. The whole of the month of Jany I kept at home - that is - I did not go to town... had to struggle with all the uncomfortableness of that condition of mind. Am now truly thankful that all that is over, and rejoice to hear the blackbirds singing from morn to eve, see something like a sky again, and feel all over a different creature. News of any kind I have not to send. What has occurred at the Academy I know little of for I have not been able to attend any of the meetings. I get a little secondhand information worth little. The work I have done while the days were cold and dark I now find had better have been left undone, for it must must be gone over again. Not that it signifies much for nobody buys pictures nowadays...” with a postscript that “The Frazers, having removed to a part of Blackheath somewhat remote from this, I see very little of, and that being the case I hear nothing of you...”, 4 sides 8vo., no place, 9th February

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  43204      £125

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GILBERT (Sir Alfred, 1854-1934, Sculptor of ‘Eros’ in Piccadilly Circus etc)

Long Letter Signed to Lord Percy, thanking him for his “letter and for the kind words you utter about the Times article on my work at Windsor. I have for some time past doubted my chances of success as regards the appointment at South Kensington, but now with such an authoritative... as the one you give me I am quite prepared to renounce all hope, and all further striving. Why I wanted the post was, that I might, during my leisure, devote myself to the production of original work untrammelled by Commissions, and the dictates of others. The price may have been high to pay for such a desire... the official nature of the position which might be thought ill suited to my own, but I had hoped I might have exercised some good in the schools, and amongst the Art Masters who are under the official regime. Again, it was that ‘irksome uncertainly’ to which you allude, the enlarging parasite of my life - which led me to aspire to, and desire official employment... it has it’s sweet certainty. I am accustomed to disappointments, though I am credited with a rich account of Fortune’s smiles. I have only one hope, and that is, that I have not overdrawn my account in asking friends such as you are to ‘back’ my future demand, to no purpose...”, 4 sides oblong 4to., 18 Maida Vale, W., 8th August

Item Date:  1898
Stock No:  43195      £175

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GILBERT (Sir Alfred, 1854-1934, Sculptor of ‘Eros’ in Piccadilly Circus etc)

2nd part of an Autograph Letter Signed, so missing the first page and correspondent’s name this page starting “a-board this new ship he will have the advantage of a Naval Instructor. We quite understand how it is that you have not been, but nevertheless, we are all anxious to have you and your wife with us. Can’t you come on Sunday... but do come and soon...”, 1 side 8vo., and I side oblong 4to., 16 Maida Vale, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  42088      £75

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