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BEATON (Sir Cecil, 1904-1980, Photographer & Designer)

Fine Autograph Letter in pencil, Signed to “Dearest Ava”, Lady Waverley, signed “Cecil” (1896-1974, wife of Sir John Anderson, Viscount Waverley) saying that he has “tried many shops for your address book but nothing nice to be found after the Christmas storm had emptied every quarter, now however, I have bought one from Bergdorf Goodman. It isn’t really a good one, but may do, & I will bring it over when I arrive mid February. It has been rather a dull winter here - in comparison to London there is an orgy of glitter, food & excitement but no one is really content - New Yorkists very bored by their... existence yet unsure of the future & so chary of spending money. It is a very different atmosphere & it is quite remarkable to find how economical & thrifty most people have become - a semi slump, though nothing quite so dramatic as a slump, in the book cinema & theatre world. Men’s clothes reduced - ‘slashing sales’. Very... Play, Only Martita Hunt in the Folle de Chaillot is outstanding - a lovely imaginative play unspoilt by a poor production - I go to Philadelphia tomorrow to see ‘the Death of a Salesman’ which is supposed to be a beautiful play. The Sitwells are a big success & getting large sums for their lecture tours. Randolph C & newly wed also on circuit - also Evelyn Waugh & his wife... about to join the ranks of lecturers...”, 4 sides 8vo., with original autograph envelope, The Plaza Hotel, New York heaaded paper, 26th January

Item Date:  1949
Stock No:  42667      £275

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BEATON (Sir Cecil, 1904-1980, Photographer & Designer)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to "Dearest Ava", Lady Waverley, signed "Cecil" (1896-1974, wife of Sir John Anderson, Viscount Waverley) writing from Los Angeles, "It's really unbelievable - little did I realise when I signed the dotted line that they wouldn't be making any of the picture in London. But even Ascot & Covent Garden are to be recreated in the back lot - & here I must remain - nose to suburban arcadian - ground - until the day they decide I'm no longer indispensable. Of course it's a job I have to do - & it will help pay my taxes - but never again! I'm too old to waste such valuable time. However I'm disciplining myself thoroughly - not to look at the ugliness surrounding me, & to read the classics & to see the only few civilised people there are hiding in these hills. My new bungalow looks out on a Walt Disneyesque patio - with Italian fountain, marguerites and jasmine - it's really rather pretty & I'm going to swim in the pool each morning before driving myself on the terrifying speedways to the Office. I've never before had a desk to sit behind and a secretary to keep people at bay - & it's all a series of Firsts for me. Perfectly good for the character if hard on the soul ... the weekends come as a blessing & are more important than they have been since boarding school. Tell me your news! I expect you are full of activity & verve. I expect you will be waltzing at Windsor Castle in honour of Princes Alexandra & in touch with the nation's protectors. It would be kind if you would write to your friend in exile, & tell me for example what you thought of Freddie's latest or Nicholas Lawford's previous ...", 2 sides 4to., Hotel Bel Air headed paper, Los Angeles, 1st April

Item Date:  1963
Stock No:  39372      £775

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BEERBOHM (Sir H. Max, 1872-1956, Humorist & Caricaturist)

Fine long Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent saying that he very much regrets "that I shall have to forgo the pleasure of dining with the ... Company tomorrow .. what prevents me is the necessity of attending the performance of a play at the Coronet Theatre, on behalf of the 'Saturday Review', a play presented on this night only - I am very sorry - for myself - that this professional duty intervenes between me and the great pleasure to which I had been looking forward - I wish I could escape, but am in duty bound ...", 3 sides 8vo., 48 Upper Berkeley Street, Sunday, no year but circa

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  39652      £675

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BEERBOHM (Sir H. Max, 1872-1956, Humorist & Caricaturist)

Fine signature on card "yours truly" with the date and a flourish, 5" x 3½", no place, April

Item Date:  1936
Stock No:  39646      £100

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BEGAS (Rheinhold, 1831-1911, German Sculptor)

Signature on piece, n.d., c.

Item Date:  1900
Stock No:  15167      £35

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