(Sir Peter Markham, 1909-1989, Artist, Ornithologist & Broadcaster, son of Robert Falcon)
Typed Letter Signed with autograph salutation and subscription to Catherine DUPRÉ
(1926-2014, Writer) thanking her for her letter and saying that he “would certainly be happy to give my permission for you to read the necessary papers at the Scott Polar Research Institute for your work on the biography of Edward Wilson. Before doing so, however, may I take it that it is not the intention of your book to denigrate any members of the expedition? If you can reassure me on this point, then I shall be happy for you to proceed...”, 1 side oblong 8vo., with original envelope, rThe New Grounds, Slimbridge headed paper, 25th February
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(Sir Peter Markham, 1909-1989, Artist, Ornithologist & Broadcaster, son of Robert Falcon)
End of a Typed Letter signed with some text
“It is all very agreeable and encouraging” with an autograph postscript “With all best wishes for 1973, Yours sincerely...”, 6½” x 2”, no place, no date,
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(Ronald, 1920-2011, British Artist and Satirical Cartoonist)
Fine Long Typed Letter Signed "Ronald" to "Dear Nick", fellow illustrator Nicholas BENTLEY
(1907-1980, Artist and Author) saying that he "sorry that he had to suffer that gloomy TELEGRAPH piece - mostly written up from other people and other books. I didn't want to drag it up, anymore than I want 'academic recognition' – which is barmy. That is one of the reasons for the anonymous self-sending-up in the biographical notes of The Album. To remind anyone who sees it, that the stuff is meant to be satirical ..." he continues about his place in France "It is very pretty up here at 2000 feet and it feels isolated ... Try it if you ever get as far as Nice. There will be a warm welcome and a bottle of champagne burning in the window. As for leaving her for book promoting ... No thanks, unless it is really vital ... I wouldn't leave Monica alone (she is more than insecure after this last seven years of dragging the foot out of the grave) ... the ones we really want to see, make there way here eventually ... I don't have much energy any more ... I know that publicity helps to push a book. But as I have always refused to show up, everybody seems to have managed up until now. But I will turn over in my mind any possible suggestions I can think of to aid at a distance. Hope Leresche did tell me that the BBC-TV were going to show the 'Omnibus' thing again. Andre should try to persuade them that nothing could be better than running that hour to coincide with the book ...", 1 side closely typed folio, 83690-Tourtour (Var), France, 7th March
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(Ronald, 1920-2011, British Artist and Satirical Cartoonist)
Fine signature
on an album leaf, 5" x 4", no place, no date
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(Walter, 1830-1904, Water-colour artist, eldest son of the painter Joseph Severn)
Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent
apologising for the fact that his "son Nigel left Salisbury without finding out your studio. I hope you will bear in mind the Dudley for wh. I enclose a circular. As I told you we occasionally admit drawings for the first year without any subs & I shall be very pleased if you will exhibit two or three ..." he goes on to say that he has been ill "& it has left me so weak that I obliged to put off my lecture ...", 3 sides 8vo., 9 Earls Court Square, South Kensington, 15th December
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