Sophie Dupré - Literary

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BELLOC (Hilaire, 1870-1953, Poet, Historian & Essayist)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr BRITTEN (James, 1846-1924, Botanist) "in very great haste (as I have but just come back ... & the Post is leaving) may I speak on 'Agnosticism', the first subject? I know more about knowing nothing than I do about the other things, a lot more ...", King's Land, Shipley headed paper, 14th September

Item Date:  1900
Stock No:  39846      £175

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BELLOC (Hilaire, 1870-1953, Poet, Historian & Essayist)

Autograph Letter Signed with initials to Mr BRITTEN (James, 1846-1924, Botanist) saying that "it drags its slow length along. I am now having one days leisure & adding a few more pages to the M.S.S. It isn't half done! But you shall have it the moment it is ...", King's Land, Shipley headed paper, 21st September

Item Date:  1917
Stock No:  39847      £75

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BELLOC (Hilaire, 1870-1953, Poet, Historian & Essayist)

Autograph Letter Signed to an illegible correspondent saying that he has “poisoned a finger & have to write as well as I can with thumb & 4th finger. I hope it is legible! My secretary is on holiday. Aug 7th is no good as I have guests here. I’m in town the 14th. If that would do, let me know soon and I’ll arrange...”, 1 side 4to., King’s Land, Shipley headed paper, 5th August

Item Date:  1931
Stock No:  42726      £125

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BELLOC LOWNDES (Marie Adelaide, 1868-1947, Novelist)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to ‘My darling Ava’ Lady WAVERLEY (1896-1974, wife of Sir John Anderson, Viscount Waverley) telling her that she “was ill when the glad news appeared in The Times - So missed it. I do hope you had what is so absurdly called ‘a good time’ - and that you are having a really good time now. I long to see your son! I had hoped to have come over for just a very few days but work made it impossible. I promise to come over in March...” she continues about her concerns about the Budget and “the general state of things. All that is very very bad. If I sell a title, I shall invest the money in France...”, 2 sides 4to., 9 Barton Street, Westminster, 15th December

Item Date:  1929
Stock No:  43026      £125

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BENEVISTE (Asa, 1925-1990, American Poet, Typographer and Publisher)

Typed Letter Signed to Mr Pollet, rejecting his poems "I like your poems for their obvious sincerity and the area of feeling in which they operate, but I was slightly disturbed by the archaism of your language. It's as though you've let bypass you the experiments with language which English poetry has shown for the past decades. No doubt deliberately but still disturbing, and I think it somewhat undermines what you have to say ... my assessment of anyone's poems is a matter of taste and hardly objective. So I tell you what I think on the one hand, and on the other I would advise you to ignore it and write poems only the way you want ...", 1 side 4to., Trigram Press Headed Paper, 27th January

Item Date:  1970
Stock No:  39580      £55

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