Sophie Dupré - Literary

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BLUNDEN (Edmund, 1896-1974, Poet & Critic)

Autograph fair copy signed with initials of his poem "A Medical Visit, 1841, (John Clare at Northborough)" in black ink, on a page from a book, beginning "The Doctors came to the poet's door and found him by his fire", five verses of five lines each on1 side 8vo, no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  1950
Stock No:  27306      £275

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BLUNDEN (Edmund, 1896-1974, Poet & Critic)

Autograph fair copy signed with initials of his poem "Young Field Mouse" in blue ink on the back of a piece of Times Literary Supplement headed paper, beginning "Beseeching this little thing-strayed from deep grass and breezy scented Spring", three verses of six lines each on 1 side 8vo, no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  1950
Stock No:  27305      £250

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BLUNDEN (Edmund, 1896-1974, Poet & Critic)

Exceptional Autograph Letter Signed to Mr Thomas Brumbough in America, thanking him for his letter and hoping "that literary interests will lighten the burden of army life as long as that is your portion. For my part I have (including military duties) rather a lot to do, and you will pardon a short letter from a weary pen, perhaps the few lines appended will meet your wish to have something in the way of an autograph ...", together with a complete short poem signed titled 'The Lost Name', starting "No ship perhaps again will ever bear / That fatal name / Which at the christening challenged everywhere / Seafaring fame / But was to see calamity so vast / Multiplied so / That times may quite forget that wreck of the past / No one would know / And under her grey name a proud new ship / May yet advance / Thronged with young faces brilliant for the trip / God guard the dance!", 1 side 8vo., with original autograph envelope, 12 Woodstock Close, Oxford, 1st December

Item Date:  1943
Stock No:  39466      £375

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BLUNDEN (Edmund, 1896-1974, Poet & Critic)

Exceptional Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Catherine Maclean saying that it was "exceedingly kind of you to write about the lecture on M. Lamb. At about 5 minutes before it was to begin I doubted if I should get to it myself, for a fog descended on the Euston region as dense as I ever knew and the Hall seemed undiscoverable. i hope you are past the heavy cold which at least saved you from that dilemma. And best thanks for your generous reception of Shelley(will all errors and errata.) I hope to improve the book one day, having in particular much curious information to add. Incidentally I think it certain that Harriet Shelley only left her father's house right at the end, and that the failure of a letter from her to reach Mme de Boinville was the immediate reason for her unhappy decision. Maybe the whole affair was more deeply operant in Shelley's later life, even to the end, than I was thinking when the book was written ..." ending about a "merry pamphlet Blackwood's prose and verse on the Londoners would make! the nimble villains ...", 1 side 8vo., with original autograph envelope, 'The Times' headed paper, Printing House Square, 16th March

Item Date:  1947
Stock No:  39467      £325

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BLUNDEN (Edmund, 1896-1974, Poet & Critic)

Autograph Note Signed, returning a printed card to the Secretary of the Friends of the Bodleian Advisory Committee, saying that he “alas, cannot: am due at another meeting in town that day...”, 1 side card, no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  43159      £75

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