Sophie Dupré - Literary

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[BURNS (Jean, née Armour, 1767-1834, wife of the poet Robert Burns)]

Facsimile autograph letter with transcription, to 'My dear Betty', Robert's illegitimate daughter Elizabeth, 1791-1873, by Anna Park, saying she has "this moment heard of an opportunity, which I have long wished for to Glasgow, - and enclose a Gunie ... all I can spare at present it will procure some little things for the children I shall send this to Mr Bennets care ... my general health is not bad, but I am very infirm, and seldom leave home. Miss Newall is with me and a great comfort she is, she desires me to present hir best regards. Mrs Parkeer is in London", she will be "glad to know how you get on in these hard and threatening times", asks her to "remember me kindly to your housband", and ends "I am still your affectionate Mother Jean Burns", 2 sides 8vo., Dumfries, 20th February, neatly laid down making one opening, a few light marks

Item Date:  1833
Stock No:  50890      £75

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[BURNS (Robert, 1759-1796, Scottish Poet)]

Fine unsigned carte de visite original photograph by RAE Photosof a portrait of Burns possibly the one by Alexander Nasmyth showing him head and shoulders at the age of 28, in an oval, 4" x 2½", Dumfries, no date circa

Item Date:  1865
Stock No:  40826      £225

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BURTON (Isabel, 1831-1896, née Arundell, Author & Traveller, wife, 1861, of Sir Richard Francis Burton the Explorer & Writer)

Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Douglas Murray thanking him "for your generous subscription to my work, showing that you appreciate my efforts. Hoping soon to meet again & best remembr[ances] from both to both", 1 side 8vo, 23 Dorset Street, Portman Square, 2nd July no year, circa

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  56312      £475

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[BUSBECQ (Ogier Ghislain, 'Augerius Gislenius', 1522-1592, Flemish Traveller and Collector, Imperial Ambassador to Suleiman the Magnificent, Seigneur de)]

Fine Engraved Title page to his collected works, 'Omnia quae extant', above is a trophy of a turban, crescent and crossed swords, below is a classical domed building topped by a crescent, beside the Bosphorus, 3¾" x 1¾" (9.3cm x 4.7cm), Elzevier, Amsterdam,

Item Date:  1660
Stock No:  50819      £45

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BUSH (Douglas, 1896-1983, Professor of English at Harvard, 1936-1966, critic and literary historian)

Typed letter signed to historian Geoffrey F.A. Best, b. 1928, saying "We were both right and wrong. Johnson did make the remark, but the anecdote is in Mrs. Piozzi, not in Boswell", quoting from Bush's own edition the question and Johnson's angry reply, advising "no man to marry who is not likely to propagate understanding", Bush adds "There is more to the tale, about Johnson's apparent regret for his outburst", 1 side 7" x 6", 3 Clement Circle, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts, 28th October

Item Date:  1954
Stock No:  53473      £30

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