(Frederick, Earl, 1832-1914, V.C., K.G., ‘Roberts of Kandahar’, Field Marshal)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Eldon GORST
(18861-1911, Diplomat and Colonial Administrator) saying that he was “sorry to pass through Cairo without calling at the British Agency, but a message from the Sudan, begging us, if possible, to reach Ashwan. on the 19th instant, necessitated our starting early on the 9th - the day after our arrival and on that day I was unable to pay any visits. I hope on our return to Cairo, about the 15th March I may have the pleasure of seeing you and making Lady Gorst’s acquaintance...”, 2 sides 8vo., ‘Cook’s Nile Steamer Services’ headed paper, Dahabeah ‘Cheops’, 12th January
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(Frederick, Earl, 1832-1914, V.C., K.G., ‘Roberts of Kandahar’, Field Marshal)
Typed Letter Signed with autograph Salutation and Subscription to Lord NEWTON
(Thomas Legh, 2nd Baron, 1857-1942, Diplomat and Conservative Politician, Paymaster during the First World War) thanking him for his letter and saying that he “will of course take the chair at the meeting on Wednesday, and I hope it wil be possible for me to attend the dinner in the evening. It is, as you say, unfortunate that the Army Bill debate should clash with our annual meeting...”, 1 side 8vo., with original envelope, Englemere, Ascot headed paper, 24th June
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(Sir William Robert, 1860-1933, Field Marshal, Chief of the Imperial General Staff during the First World War)
Fine photograph by S. Langfier, signed and inscribed in white ink
"Yours very sincerely," and dated, showing him head and shoulders in uniform, 8" x 6" in mount 10½" x 8½", no place, 22nd September
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(Sir William Robert, 1860-1933, Field Marshal, Chief of the Imperial General Staff during the First World War)
Fine signature with his rank 'General' and the date
on a piece of headed notepaper, 1 side 8vo., 50 Pall Mall, 24th May
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(William Leefe, 1895-1918, V.C., Airman)]
Unsigned Portrait Postcard Photograph, by the Daily Mirror,
showing him half length, full face with a wonderful smile, in Royal Flying Corps uniform, printed title below "the intrepid airman who, on 3rd Sept. 1916, attacked an enemy Zeppelin (L.21) in mid-air, bringing it down to the earth in flames", published by J. Beagles & Co., London, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date, circa
trifling crease across blank bottom right corner
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