(Admiral of the Fleet John Rushworth, 1859-1935, Governor of New Zealand 1920-1924, President of the British Legion 1928-1932, from 1925 1st Earl)
Fine portrait photograph signed "Jellicoe A.F."
and inscribed "From a profound admiration of your splendid work in the British Legion", showing him head and shoulders in uniform with medals, inscribed on the verso by John Brown with the date, 6" x 4", in mount 10½" x 7½", no place, September
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(Earl John, 1859-1935, Admiral of the Fleet, Governor-General of New Zealand)
Coloured caricature from the John Players series of 50 entitled "Straight Line Caricatures", signed,
with a small biography printed on the verso, 2¾" x 1¼", no place, circa
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(Earl John, 1859-1935, Admiral of the Fleet, Governor-General of New Zealand)
Fine Typed Letter Signed with Autograph Salutation to 'Dear Oliphant',
Laurence Richard OLIPHANT(1877-1950, Rear Admiral) congratulating him on his "appointment to the 'SAPPHIRE', although I should have liked to have seen you in something rather more modern. I am also very sorry to lose your services in the 'LEANDER', as I know the value of the work which you have done so unobtrusively, and how trying it must have been to be confined to a ship in harbour all this time. ... I hope that the 'SAPPHIRE' will have a very successul career under you ...", 1 side 4to., 'IRON DUKE', 15th September
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(Earl John, 1859-1935, Admiral of the Fleet, Governor-General of New Zealand)
Fine Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Oliphant',
Laurence Richard OLIPHANT(1877-1950, Rear Admiral) thanking him an invitation and for offering them "so much hospitality. I ear however that there is no likelihood of our being in London at that date. We shall in all probability be moving down here about July 20th or thereabouts & shall be busy settling in on the 23rd. It is of course difficult to predict [?] movements so far ahead, but my wife does intend leaving London well before the end of July ... my small boy was not doing well in London during that month. The Jellicoe for here ... is not a brother but a distant cousin ...", 2 sides 4to., St Lawrence Hall, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 1st December
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(Sir Henry 1809-1904, Admiral of the Fleet, Published 'The Expedition to Borneo of HMS Dido for the Suppression of Piracy')
Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Little
saying "If the enclosed is of any use I shall be very happy ...", 1 side 8vo., Windsor Castle blindstamped paper, Sunday 8th, no date, circa
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