(Carl, German visitor)
AQS, in German with transcription and translation, on an album leaf,
four alliterative lines on what "the wise man chooses" to keep warm against the "wild winds of winter", 1 side oblong 8vo., London, 10th April
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(Brooke Foss, 1825-1901, New Testament Scholar, from 1890 Bishop of Durham)
Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs' Holte,
(he jokes that Holte's letter was addressed to 'Mrs' Westcott), about reviewing some memorial essays, remarking that "a schoolmaster lives from day to day in an atmosphere which is supposed to inspire the affectation of universal knowledge. At best he gives judgment on everything with a readiness and confidence on w[hich] it is alarming to reflect", but on this occasion he will have "the satisfaction of recalling R. Dundas for whom I had a true affection ... it will be a pleasure to me to do anything which would have gratified him", and asking for "(if possible and lawful) a specimen of the usual critique", 3 sides 8vo., Harrow, 24th March
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(Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, 1825-1899, K.G., Master of the Horse and noted owner, from 1874 1st Duke)
Autograph Letter Signed to Canon Robinson Duckworth, (1834-1911,
Rural Dean of Marylebone, Canon and Sub-Dean of Westminster, associate of Lewis Carroll), saying his name "is vy much at yr. service" for the principle of "a park at Paddington", but he is "in entire ignorance" of "any particular scheme", embossed crowned 'W', 2 sides 8vo., Cannes, 27th November
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(Constance Edwina, known as 'Shelagh', née Cornwallis-West, b. 1876, 1st wife of the 2nd Duke of Westminster, 1879-1954)]
Press photo by Central News, unsigned,
showing her full length, full face, skating and being guided by her instructor, wearing a dark belted jacket and skirt and a hat with upswept brim, 8½" x 6½", Mürren, Switzerland, no date, c.
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(Constance Edwina, known as 'Shelagh', née Cornwallis-West, 1st wife, 1901, of the 2nd Duke of Westminster)]
Press photo by Central News, unsigned,
showing her full length, in near profile, skating, her right hand behind her back in her instructor's right, her left in his left, wearing a dark jacket and skirt and a hat with upswept brim, 8½" x 6½", Mürren, Switzerland, no date, c.
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