Fine original unsigned photo of the towers with a horse and carriage outside, 11" x 9", Windsor, c.
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(Hans Günter, 1926-2018, German Olympic Show Jumper)
Fine Photo signed in felt tip pen from the Stockholm Olympics
showing him jumping on his mare Halla whose name he has added, in full flight, with printed information on the verso in German, 5¾" x 4", Stockholm,
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(Arthur Foley, 1858-1946, Bp. of London 1901-1939)
5 Autograph Letter Signed and 3 Typed Letter Signed to the Revd. (Sir) James Marchant, 1867-1956,
the Free Church minister and social activist, saying he had himself refused Communion to several people "without real belief in the esssential facts of Xtianity" (29th June 1905), "I can never can write in cold blood; the books which are sent all over the world, are miniatures, followed by questions & answers ... You would have to have a reporter, sent down to Stepney, Bethnal Green, on July evenings, & Hackney, Islington Wednesday evenings" (11th February 1928), "How would ... 'Why am I a Christian ?' do? ... the subject of my many talks in America ... no doubt ... 50 or 60 thousand words" (22nd October 1928), "This bitterness between Christians is a crime, - but ... in such a delicate matter I could not stir a step without the new Archbishop [Lang] ... I will sound him when he comes back", the article "Why am I a Christian?' has been preached and taken down ... ready for the Press next week" ('Easter Eve', 30th March 1929), "Tell me frankly what you think of" the MS for a book, "Watt the literary agent ... thinks I am letting it go very cheaply, but I spend all I have on Charity & earn my charity money by my books, so I have trusted you to make the best bargain you can", he could extend the 24,000 words "but a short, well printed book sold fairly cheaply, has the best sale today" (6th April 1929), "I shall conclude ... with an essay putting the argument in a clearer form than ... is possible ... in a series of sermons ... I am quite satisfied with the arrangements" (12th April 1929), regretting he cannot "go and see the General ... but it is very nice to think that Mrs. Booth said that" (19th April 1929), he will write "to the Archbishop this morning, but in view of the public attack ... in the Evening Standard by Lord Brentford it is very difficult at this moment to show very much outward friendship to the Roman Catholics for fear of being misunderstood", owing to "this strong Protestant opposition on our flank" (16th July 1929), together 13 sides 8vo or 4to, 10 Whitehall Place, Fulham Palace, and Forest Lodge, Branksome Park, 1905 -
notes by Marchant on two blank versos
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(Arthur Foley, 1858-1946, Bishop of London 1901-1939)
Signed postcard photo,
31st March
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(Arthur Foley, 1858-1946, Bishop of London 1901-1939)
Typed Letter Signed 'A.F. London:'
to Mrs Hamlyn, saying he is very sorry he cannot "come and stay ... during August", as he leaves "for Canada on the 12th", 1 side oblong 8vo., Fulham Palace, 27th July
light remains of laying down on blank verso
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