Sophie Dupré - Miscellaneous

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FARAH (Mo, born 1983, Somali born British International Track and Field Athlete, Olympic World Champion)

Large colour photo signed showing him three quarters length in his running clothes, with his hands on his hips, 12" x 8¼", no place, no date, circ

Item Date:  2013
Stock No:  36315      £125

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FARRER (William)

1 receipt and 2 instructions signed 'Wm: ffarrer', of £40 from James Margitson via John Warner, 6th December 1707, to "Mr Warner &c I desire you'l transfer One hundred & sixty pounds Lottery ann[uit]y to ... Wayd. Lee", 4th March 1719, to Thomas Snow "pay to Mrs Dorothy Brand the Dividens due at Xtmas, and midsummer last", 12th August 1724, neatly written on three oblong slips, no place, 1707 -

Item Date:  1724
Stock No:  12433      £30

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FAWCETT (Dame Millicent, Mrs Henry Fawcett, 1847-1929, Leader of the Women’s Suffrage Movement)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed ‘M. G. Fawcett’ to Mrs S. GIMSON (wife of Sydney Ansell, 1860-1938, from 1888 President of the Leicester Secular Society) thanking her for her “kind letter which crossed mine to you, and also for your postcard... In reply to your enquiry about food, I think I should like my most substantial meal before the lecture & a cup of hot bread & milk after...”, 2 sides 8vo., 2 Gower Street, 28th November, no year

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  43189      £225

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Very rare Printed Booklet 'The Laws of Croquet', with definitions and rules, illustrated with plans for setting from 6 to 10 hoops and the corresponding order of play and with attractive advertisements for Feltham's croquet, cricket and tennis supplies, 24 sides 8vo. and decorative covers, Feltham & Co., City Steam Works, Barbican, E.C., no date, circa rather worn but perfectly legible

Item Date:  1880
Stock No:  55959      £275

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FERGUSSON (Revd. Samuel, Minister of Fortingall)

Group of 4 Autograph Letter Signed to Alfred Ellis, (1821-1879, second son of John Ellis, 1789-1862, Chairman of the Midland Railway), saying that he has "only come to this Parish within the last few days ... there are no berries on the yew tree this year else I would have been most happy to comply ... There is another yew tree beside the Church Yard which has some berries ... evidently sprung from a seedling of the old one ... I will be most happy to send them ... if the Blackbirds which prey upon them have not finished them" (9th October 1857), "I send by today's post the sprigs and seeds you wanted and hope you will receive them in good condition ... The slips are all from the old yew tree" (2nd November 1857), "After a most diligent search I have failed to obtain any berries on the Fortingall yew. I would have rejoiced very much had I been able to send you some" (12th October 1858), "I have delayed sending you the slips on account of the severe frost ... for the last ten mornings", he sends "seven young trees the growth from seeds of the Old Yew that had fallen near its roots ... I have put 8 stamps upon the box and one upon this note and enclose 3 for you as not required" (23rd April 1859), in all 5 sides 8vo., Manse of Fortingall, Perthshire, 9th October 1857 - 23rd April the second letter laid down in a folding sheet

Item Date:  1859
Stock No:  14916      £75

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