Sophie Dupré - Music/Dance

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AQMS, four bars of 'Slovak Legend' on three staves for violin and piano, 3½" x 4½", no place, 12th June

Item Date:  1911
Stock No:  13009      £15

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NIJINSKY (Romola, née de Pulsky, 1891-1978, Hungarian Aristocrat, Ballet Dancer and wife of Waslav Nijinsky)

Autograph Letter Signed to Michael RUBINSTEIN (1920-2001, Publisher and Solicitor who specialised in representing Authors) on a postcard, asking if “the date 29 June for our meeting with Miss Gerrard suit you? Drop me a line to Hotel Latte... Paris 1st. I will arrive there on June 30th...”, 1 side picture postcard, Moscow, 12th June small hole where the postmark is not affecting the text

Item Date:  1970
Stock No:  42629      £75

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NIJINSKY (Romola, née de Pulsky, 1891-1978, Hungarian Aristocrat, Ballet Dancer and wife of Waslav Nijinsky)

Typed Letter Signed to Michael RUBINSTEIN (1920-2001, Publisher and Solicitor who specialised in representing Authors) saying that she has received the “copy of the letter you wrote to Madame Cotsy. I agree 100% with your opinion. In case she does not fulfill your request, please bring an injunction against the Bajart production. I feel the fact, that my person is shown in front of 5000 people an invasion of privacy. I would like you to do the almost [sic] to defend my interests. I can not send now the evidence and the amount required for the Strawinsky case until I get better. Please keep the Stawinsky case in mind. Knowing your great kindness and helpfulness I know I am in best hands...”, 1 side folio, Hotel Habsburgerhof, Badgastein, 6th November

Item Date:  1971
Stock No:  42286      £250

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NILSSON (Christine, 1843-1921, Swedish Singer)

Fine bold signature withe the date and place taken from an Autograph Letter mounted with a fine Unsigned carte de visite Portrait Photograph, showing her head and shoulders in an oval with her hair in ringlets, 4" x 2½", London, 21st June

Item Date:  1872
Stock No:  41018      £150

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NILSSON (Christine, 1843-1921, Swedish Singer)

Fine bold signature withe the date and 'sincerely yours' on card 4½" x 3½", no place,

Item Date:  1884
Stock No:  54018      £55

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