Sophie Dupré - Political

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LIMA E SILVA (Francisco de, 1785-1853, Soldier and Politician), Joao BRÁULIO MONIZ (circa 1796-1835), Regents of Brazil, 1831-1835, for Pedro II, and Manoel do Nascimento CASTRO E SILVA (1788-1846, Lawyer and Politician, Finance Minister)

Document signed, in Portuguese with translation, saying that "the Regency, in the Name of the Emperor Dom Pedro II, considering the representation of Judge of Appeal Antonio Pinto Chichôrro da Gama",(1800-1887, Appeal Judge, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice, 1860-1875), "and his reiterated requests to be relieved of the Post of Minister and Secretary of State for Imperial Affairs, has thought fit to accept his resignation, thanking him for the many and considerable Services rendered while in that office", 1 side 11¼" x 9" and conjugate leaf, Palace, [Rio de Janeiro], 16th January previously worn at folds, professionally repaired

Item Date:  1835
Stock No:  53056      £200

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LIMA E SILVA (Francisco de, 1785-1853, Soldier and Politician), José da COSTA CARVALHO, (1796-1860, Magistrate and Politician), Joao BRÁULIO MONIZ (circa 1796-1835), Regents of Brazil for Pedro II, 1831-1835, and José LINO COUTINHO (Physician and Minister of the Interior, 1831-1832)

Part document signed, in Portuguese with translation, (filled out from a similar document), appointing Antonio PINTO CHICHÔRRO DA GAMA, (1800-1887, Appeal Judge, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice, 1860-1875), as President of the Brazilian province of Espírito Santo, signed notes of registration at the provincial capital Victoria, 2 sides originally 14¾" x 9¼" and conjugate address leaf bearing papered seal of Brazil, Palace, [Rio de Janeiro, 5th] November defective, lacking in the main leaf approximately the top 4 inches and the right hand 2¾ inches of the next 11 lines, losing the ends of the first three signatures, the conjugate leaf lacks blank portions and about 8 letters of the endorsement but bears pencilled note 'Presid. Esp. Santo'

Item Date:  1831
Stock No:  53051      £60

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[LINCOLN (Abraham, 1809-1865, 16th President of the U.S.A., Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth)]

Unsigned carte de visite photo by Mason, showing him head and shoulders, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  22953      £250

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[LINCOLN (Abraham, 1809-1865, 16th President of the U.S.A., Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth)]

Reproduction of Dr Melvin's printed card inviting him to "to accompany the remains of the late President Abraham Lincoln from the City of Washington to Springfield, Illinois .." issued by the War Department, adjutant General's Office, 4" x 3½", Washington, 20th April laid down on black card, top right hand corner missing not affecting the card

Item Date:  1865
Stock No:  38786      £275

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LINDSAY (Nathaniel, 1828-1921, Lord of Appeal, from 1900 1st Earl)

Autograph Letter in the third person to Lord Mayor Treloar, regretting he cannot accept for dinner on 7th June, 1 side 8vo, The Lodge, East Carlton, near Norwich, 7th May

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  17745      £15

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