(J. Ramsay, 1866-1937, Prime Minister)
Fine Typed Letter Signed to Oliver Bury
thanking him for his letter “with all its helpfulness. I am most grateful to you. The facilities you offer so kindly for Peru will be particularly helpful, and as soon as I arrive in Lima I will present your letter to Mr Hixson and talk my projects over with him. It was so kind of you to make the personal reference to what should be done before finally deciding to go to Cuzco. I shall certainly take that precaution. Quite apart from all this I was really delighted to meet you and have that talk with you at the Peruvian Minister’s...”, 1 side 4to, Upper Frognal Lodge headed paper, 27th October
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(J. Ramsay, 1866-1937, Prime Minister)
Cyclostyled Typed Letter Signed after his defeat, signed with a facsimile signature but autograph name 'Blanco White'
commisserating with him on his failure in his "courageous attempt to win a seat for Labour ... the seed will not die. You have also made a valuable contribution to that wonderful total of five million and a half voters who have placed the Party in such an unassailable position as the second in the country. We have come through an Election which has tested the Labour party to its very foundations ... you have been subject to a kind of attack, in common with the Party generally, which can produce nothing but the most unfortunate reaction on the minds of people who have wished to do their duty to their country by Democratic and Parliamentary methods ... From the Opposition benches we must rally the country to sanity of mind and enlightened policy ...", 1 side folio, House of Commons headed paper, 4th November
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(J. Ramsay, 1866-1937, Prime Minister)
Fine Long Typed Letter Signed with autograph corrections as Prime Minister to T. Ll. Humberstone B. Sc.
regretting “that a Cabinet Meeting will prevent my attending your Conference at Wembley... I have been looking forward to this meeting with great pleasure, as I wished to try and say something to impress upon the public the necessity of treating political questions in a scientific spirit, and not merely in a short-vision, partisan frame of mind. Until we regard administration and legislation in precisely the same manner as a scientific worker approaches his work in a laboratory, we shall never be able to get results of a permanent character, nor shall we secure respect for our public institutions. I was hoping that one of the results of the war would have been to have eliminated from the House of Commons the ‘methods of the dog fight’. Unfortunately, there are far too many signs that that hope is not to be fulfilled. The matter ultimately rests with the public, which ought to scan with scrupulous vigilance proceedings in Parliament, not merely in relation to this topic or that, but to the spirit of national concern which its debates show. If our social organisation is still so very rudimentary that the public are open to the exploitation of any interest that is placed for the moment in a position of economic advantage, it is mainly owing to the fact that scientific methods have hardly yet been applied to Society itself. I hope that as a result of your Conference a beginning will be made in the scientific consideration of the of the problems which confront Parliament, and if that happens the promoters of this Conference will have great cause to congratulate themselves on what they have done...”, 2 sides 4to., 10 Downing Street, blindstamp headed paper, 28th May
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(J. Ramsay, 1866-1937, Prime Minister)
Fine Typed Letter Signed to Mrs Nodin
thanking her for her letter and saying that he is "indeed head over ears in work, and as every day brings its own lot I do not know when I am going to get through it. I have been at home ever since I returned from Algiers. I wish you could come up and see the house and not only hear about it. It is very quiet, and all the ghosts in it are peaceful ...", 1 side A4, House of Commons headed paper, 9th February
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(J. Ramsay, 1866-1937, Prime Minister)
Brief Autograph Letter Signed on a postcard to Mrs Besant
saying he has "been trying hard to see you but it has been impossible. Ever hour of my day has been crowded since I returned a week ago and now I am off again ... I am very disappointed ...", 1 side postcard with autograph address on the verso
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