Sophie Dupré - Political

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MALENKOV (Georgi, b. 1902, Premier of the USSR, Successor to Stalin)

Signature on correspondence card, in Russian, no place, 30th March

Item Date:  1956
Stock No:  17604      £125

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MALET (Lady Ermyntrude, d. 1927, daughter of the 9th Duke of Bedford, wife of Sir Edward, 1837-1908, Ambassador, 4th Baronet)

Autograph Letter in the third person for her husband and herself, to the Lord Mayor, Sir William Treloar, regretting they cannot accept an invitation to lunch to meet the Earl of Cromer owing to Sir Edward's health, 1 side 8vo., Wrest Wood, Bexhill, Sussex, 26th October light traces of laying down on verso

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  17903      £15

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[MALLET (Sir Victor, 1893-1969, Ambassador at Rome, 1947-1953, and his wife Christiana Jean, née Andreae)]

Invitation by them "At Home" for "The King's Birthday", blind embossed royal arms, printed with manuscript addition of the occasion, 1 side card 5¼" x 4", Villa Wolkonsky, Rome, for Thursday 10th June n.y. but

Item Date:  1948
Stock No:  53304      £20

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MALMESBURY (James Edward Harris, 1778-1841, 2nd Earl, Deputy Secretary for War)

Autograph Letter Signed 'Malmesbury' to Laurence Sulivan, (1783-1866), saying that he has executed, and is returning "the Power of Attorney", the Bowles's have just been visiting "& I was glad to hear ... so good an account of you all", of Harry "I have great hopes that he will distinguish himself at Oxford ... With the Exception of Edward, who came last week, I have seen but little of my Sons - James being in the Scotch Highlands - & Charley reading for his Degree in the I. of Wight ... Public affairs cease to be an attraction to me - tho', God knows, they are not without interest - I may say fearfull interest. The constant changes in almost every Dept. of the state cannot but be injurious ... and anything but pleasant to those, like yourself, who must have to act with such a continual variety of individuals. All, more or less, necessarily inexperienced in their duties", 4 sides 8vo., Heron Court, Christchurch, Hampshire, 26th August

Item Date:  1834
Stock No:  15102      £60

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MANCHESTER (Robert Montagu, c. 1710-1762, Lord of the Bedchamber 1739-1761, from1739 3rd Duke)

Signature from a document, April

Item Date:  1759
Stock No:  51701      £50

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