(Ferdinand E. 1917-1989, Sixth President of the Third Republic of the Philippines)
Fine signed photo
showing the president sitting on his throne next to his wife, surrounded by their three children, Irene, Ferdinand Jr & Imee, 7" x 5½", the Malacañang Palace, no place,
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(Sarah, 1660-1744, née Jennings, favourite of Queen Anne, wife of John, 1st Duke) and Francis GODOLPHIN (1678-1766, 2nd Earl, Nobleman and Politician)
Portion of a printed loan document signed as receipted on the verso
the document relates to aiding his Majesty by a Land Tax in 1721 and the receipt is also signed by William Clayton (Commissioner of the Treasury) and TORRINGTON (George Byng, 1st Viscount, 1663-1733, Admiral and Commander on the Fleet), no place 6th March
frail but professionally repaired
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(Sarah, 1660-1744, née Jennings, favourite of Queen Anne, wife of John, 1st Duke), Francis GODOLPHIN (1678-1766, 2nd Earl, Nobleman and Politician) and George BYNG, Viscount TORRINGTON (1663-1733, Admiral and Commander on the Fleet)
Very fine receipt signed
for the sum of £5000 paid to the executors and trustees of the late Duke of Marlborough by George Byng "I do hereby Assign and Transfer all my Right and Title in and to this Order and the tally thereunto belonging for the Principal Sum of Five Thousand pounds with all Interest due thereon unto Sarah Dutchess Dowager ... Earl of Godolphin, William Clayton, William Guidott and John Hanbury Esq ...", the printed part of the document is the original order which details the debt to the "Right Honourable George Viscount Torrington ... the sum of Five thousand pounds in Repayment of the like Sum by him lent upon Credit of the said Act and paid into the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer the said Twenty-eighth Day of February 1722 ...", with the partial signatures of the Commissioners of the Treasury, Henry Pelham, George Baillie and Charles Turner, the amount was received "in full" on 23rd December, 2 sides folio, no place, 23rd December
worn on one fold and trimmed, lacking a small piece affecting the signatures of the Treasury Commissioners
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(John Albert Edward William Spencer-Churchill, 1897-1972, from 1934 10th Duke)
Fine Photograph by W. & D. Downey inscribed
[Marquis of] "Blandford 4 weeks old" showing him as a baby in a magnificent 18th century rococo cot, 8¼" x 6" on original mount 11¼" x 8¾", no place,
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(John George Vanderbilt Henry Spencer-Churchill, b.1926, 11th Duke of Marlborough)
Printed invitation to Miss E. Weston
to the Irish Guards Association dance, "to meet the Detachment of the Household Cavalry who are performing the Musical Ride at the R.U.A.S. at Balmoral", signed by him on the back 'Sunny Blandford', I side card, 23rd May
has been folded
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