(Lord Sidney Godolphin, 1808-1889, Philanthropist)
Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent,
sending his autograph, "it is that of one, who certainly wishes well to the working man", 1 side 8vo., Wells, Somerset, 21st May
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(Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Danby, Marquis of Carmathen, 1631-1712, Lord High Treasurer of England)]
Autograph Letter Signed to the Lord Treasurer from Sir John CLAYTON
(Lighthouse Builder) referring to "ye discourse I had lately with yr Lordship about ye affaire of ye lighthouses. I have here presented your Lordship with a booke drawen by Mr Hare who settled ye agreement between all the partys ...", but changing the name in order to "performe the covenant of 500£ per annum to yr Lordship instead of Blake Robinson ...", subject to his approval the "draft it shall immediately be ingrossed & I shall attend ... to seale it to you ...", 1 side 4to., with original integral autograph address leaf with seal, no place, 21st July
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(Lord Sidney Godolphin, 1808-1889, Cleric, Philanthropist and Writer)
Long Autograph Letter Signed to Captain Hamilton on H.M.S. Cambrian in Smyrna
telling him that “The Brisk arrived here yesterday morning and returns to you today, and I will not lose so good an opportunity of thanking you for your letter by her, as well as the one of the 18th of July which I found on my return from Lante about a month ago. I am very much obliged to you for the earrings once belonging to Canova’s wife, and also for the bracelet, both of which I am sure will be most acceptable to my Sister the Duchess of Leeds. Lord St Asaph of course being in Quarantine, I shall not get the latter till I am admitted to Pratique, no indeed have I yet seen it, but I prefer writing to you before that to delaying sending you. my best thanks for the attention you pay to my troublesome commissions. By the Packet of which we are in daily expectation I will cause £17.10s to be paid to your account... as I think you prefer that means of payment to receiving Dollars in the Mediterranean. I have sent at different times letters... to the care of the Consul at Smyrna, as I suppose there is pretty constant communication between that Port and Alexandria. I flatter myself they will have reached him before his return to Malta. The Glasgow and Talbot have arrived at the latter Island... I think Sir Frederick Adams will be back here about the middle of November. The Duke of Manchester gets the Post Office here, but it is not yet known who will succeed him at Jamaicas, or yet get the Blue Ribbon vacant by Lord Winchelsea’s death. Ireland is pretty well recovered from the ferment occasioned by the late General Elections which however were carried on with much more resistance in the other two Provinces than in... Leinster and Ulster. Pray tell Lushington that I have this day forwarded by Atranto his two Letters for Naples. His Father was quite well when I last heard from him... “, 3 sides 4to., with original autograph address leaf and seal, Corfe, 5th September
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(John Evelyn Denison, 1800-1873, M.P., Speaker, 1857-1872, 1st Viscount)
Frank to George Daysh at New Grove, Petworth,
London, 30th March
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(Theresa Catherine, d. 1901, née Stedint, Lady of the Bedchamber to Alexandra Princess of Wales, wife of the Duc d'Otrante)
Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs. Williams,
who has sent a card saying that her sister Mrs. G. Jones, nanny with the Princess of Wales, has died, "next to yourself I don't think anybody can feel her death deeper than we do here ... I feel I have lost a real true friend ever since I knew her first in 67 ... Poor Fina is in despair ... pray give us every detail you possibly can", 4 sides 8vo., Elghammar, Björnlunda, Sweden, 27th July
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