(Prince, 1884-1948, 3rd son of Kaiser Wilhelm II) and ADELHEID (1891-1971, née Princess of Saxe-Meiningen, his wife, 1914)]
Unsigned Portrait Postcard Photograph by F. Urbahns of Kiel,
showing him nearly full length, full face, in naval dress uniform, half turned towards his wife, who is seated nearly full length, nearly full face, holding a cane, a tall plume in her hat, 5½" x 3½", no place, postmarked from Berlin to Revd. Mother Catherine in neutral Holland, 22nd May
a trifle worn at bottom edge, faint postmark offset in top right without loss
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(of Saxe-Meiningen, 1792-1849, Queen of William IV, Adelaide, Australia is named after her)]
Most Attractive Aquatint Engraved Portrait after Sir William Beechey,
showing her standing half length, full face, regal but with a pleasing light in her eyes, wearing a velvet gown with lace sleeves, a wide double lace collar with a triple jewel in front, her hair close in ringlets, her brow set off with a rectangular brooch of pearls at a fetching angle, a finely detailed and strong impression of this engraving, 11½" x 9¼" on card 10½" x 12½", no place, no date, circa
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(of Saxe-Meiningen, 1792-1849, Queen of William IV, Adelaide, Australia is named after her)
Charming Autograph Letter Signed 'Adélaide', as the young Duchess of Clarence, in French
with transcription and translation, to 'Ma chère Princesse', saying she is "very sorry ... to learn by your note that you were not well yesterday Evening ... I am very glad ... you retired when you found yourself unwell, and I pray you, Madame, to do so every time you feel the need, for I will be very vexed to see you suffering out of too great politeness towards myself ... I ... do not feel at all tired even though I danced a Waltz with the Duke of Devonshire", (William, 1790-1858, from 1811 6th Duke), and wishing her "a good night" and "to believe me with great regard, Madame, Your very devoted ['affectionnée'] Adelaide", 3 sides 8vo., "Tuesday Evening", no date, circa.1818 -
(Transcription) Je regrette bien, ma chère Princesse d'apprendre par vos lignes que vous avez été souffrante hier au Soir et j'espère que vous vous trouvez mieux aujourd'hui. Je suis bien aise que vous vous êtes retirée en vous trouvant mal et je vous prie, Madame d'en faire de même toujours [Side 2] quand vous en sentez le besoin, car je serais bien fachée de vous voir souffrir par trop grande civilité envers moi. Je me trouve très bien après le Bal et ne me sens point du tout fatiguée quoique j'ai dansé [Side 3] une Walze avec le Duc de Devonshire. En vous souhaitant une bonne nuit, je vous prie, Ma chère Princesse de me croire avec beaucoup de consideration Madame Votre bien affe[ctionn]ee Adélaide Mardi au Soir. (Translation) I am very sorry, my dear Princess, to learn by your note that you were not well yesterday Evening and I hope that you will find yourself better today. I am very glad to learn that you retired when you found yourself unwell, and I pray you, Madame, to do so every time you feel the need, for I will be very vexed to see you suffering out of too great politeness towards myself. I am very well after the Ball and do not feel at all tired even though I danced a Waltz with the Duke of Devonshire. In wishing you a good night, I pray you, Madame, to believe me with great regard Madame Your very devoted Adelaide Tuesday Evening.
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(of Saxe-Meiningen, 1792-1849, Queen of William IV, Adelaide, Australia is named after her)
Unsigned Autograph Address Panel,
to the Countess of Sheffield (Harriet, 1802-1889, née Lascelles, daughter of the 2nd Earl of Harewood, wife, 1825, of the 2nd Earl of Sheffield, and an Extra Lady of the Bedchamber, 1836), at Sheffield Park, Uckfield, Sussex, marked by the Queen 'prepaid', on the verso in an early hand is "autograph of Queen Adelaide", the recto with 'Paid' stamp of 21st December 1840 partly overlaying Uttoxeter, 20th December
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(of Saxe-Meiningen, 1792-1849, Queen of William IV, Adelaide, Australia is named after her)
Unsigned Autograph Part Letter Cover to Sir Henry TAYLOR,
(1775-1839, Secretary to the Duke of York, George III, Queen Charlotte, George IV and William IV, Lieutenant General), bearing his name and a pleasing flourish, with part of the conjugate blank panel bearing a plain seal, 5¾" x 5¼" unfolded, no place, no date, circa
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