Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[JULIANA (b. 1909, Queen of the Netherlands 1948-1980)]

Charming unsigned Press Photo, by Sport & General, London, showing her being presented with a doll for Princess Marijka (b. 1947) by a party of South African Folk Dancers in traditional Cape Dutch dress, 6" x 8", Soestdijk Palace Gardens, 13th May

Item Date:  1953
Stock No:  51024      £60

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[JULIANA (b. 1909, Queen of the Netherlands 1948-1980)]

Unsigned press photograph by Actualit of Brussels, showing her with two colleagues at a meeting of the Dutch Red Cross, 6" x 4", no place, 4th November

Item Date:  1939
Stock No:  50989      £50

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[JULIANA (1909-2004, Queen of the Netherlands who abdicated in 1980), and her husband BERNARD (Prince of Lippe-Biesterfeld, 1911-2004, Consort of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands)]

Fine unsigned presentation photo showing them as an older couple, full length, standing together in a state room, both are dressed in formal clothes, he is in a tail coatand she is wearing an evening dress with a white fur wrap and a tiara and matching jewels, 11½" x 9½", in original black morocco presentation frame with gilt coronet at the head, 15" x 13", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1960
Stock No:  38999      £250

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KARL (1801-1883, brother of Emperor Wilhelm I, Field Marshal)

Autograph address panel, unsigned, in German to "Her Imperial and Royal Highness the Crown Princess", VICTORIA,eldest daughter of Queen Victoria and wife of his nephew Friedrich (III), no date, c. trimmed

Item Date:  1880
Stock No:  17853      £15

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KARL (1830-1909, from 1880 last reigning Prince of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen)

Carte-de-visite studio portrait photograph, unsigned, by A. Beckmann of Doberan and Heiligendamm, showing him full length, three-quarter face, in a suit with hat, walking stick and dog, 4" x 2½", no date, circa

Item Date:  1905
Stock No:  53151      £65

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