Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[KYRIL (1876-1938, Grand Duke of Russia, married to Princess Victoria Melita, which caused Tsar Nicholas II to strip him of his medals and uniform, declared himself head of the Romanoff family in 1924 to the Dowager Empress's disapproval)]

Fine unsigned postcard photo, showing him head and shoulders in profile wearing a suit, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date,

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  25868      £175

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[KYRIL (1876-1938, Grand Duke of Russia, married to Princess Victoria Melita, which caused Tsar Nicholas II to strip him of his medals and uniform, declared himself head of the Romanoff family in 1924 to the Dowager Empress's disapproval) with his wife VICTORIA MELITA (1876-1936, wife of Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and secondly Grand Duke Kirill, granddaughter of Queen Victoria) with their children]

Fine unsigned postcard photo, howing the couple with their two daughters MARIE (1907-1951) and KYRA (Kirillovna, 1909-1967), 5½" x 3½", Coburg, no date, c.

Item Date:  1912
Stock No:  23768      £225

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[KYRIL (1876-1938, Grand Duke of Russia, married to Princess Victoria Melita, which caused Tsar Nicholas II to strip him of his medals and uniform, declared himself head of the Romanoff family in 1924 to the Dowager Empress's disapproval) with his children]

Fine unsigned postcard photo, showing him with his two daughters MARIE (1907-1951) and KYRA (Kirillovna, 1909-1967), 5½" x 3½", Coburg, no date, c,

Item Date:  1912
Stock No:  23865      £225

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KYRIL (1876-1938, Grand Duke of Russia, married to Princess Victoria Melita, which caused Tsar Nicholas II to strip him of his medals and uniform, declared himself head of the Romanoff family in 1924 to the Dowager Empress’s disapproval)

Rare Autograph Postcard Signed ‘Gr. D. Kirill’ in English to his one time nurse Millicent (’Milly’) Crofts saying that he has “sent you 100 fcs & hope you may have a bright & happy Christmas. May my small gift bring you joy & comfort, then my sincere wish shall be realized. You will be glad to hear, that our baby is a beauty & getting on splendidly...”, 2 sides postcard with gold crest, Paris, 21st December

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  43015      £325

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[KYRIL (1876-1938, Grand Duke of Russia, married to Princess Victoria Melita, which caused Tsar Nicholas II to strip him of his medals and uniform, declared himself head of the Romanoff family in 1924 to the Dowager Empress's disapproval) with his wife VICTORIA MELITA (1876-1936, wife of Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and secondly Grand Duke Kirill, granddaughter of Queen Victoria) with their children]

Fine unsigned German postcard photo by Uhlenhuth in Coburg showing the couple on their engagement, he is seated in a chair with her perched on the arm, 5½" x 3½", Coburg, no date, circa

Item Date:  1905
Stock No:  40490      £250

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