Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[LEOPOLD III (1901-1983, King of the Belgians 1934-1951), his second wife LILIANE (1909-2002), and son by his first marriage ALBERT (b. 1934, Prince of Liège, King from 1993)]

Unsigned press photo by Le Lynx, showing them half length, at the station after Albert's long trip to the United States, 7" x 9½", Brussels Midi, 7th December

Item Date:  1955
Stock No:  52424      £50

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[LEOPOLD III (1901-1983, King of the Belgians 1934-1951), his second wife LILIANE (1909-2002), and sons by his first marriage ALBERT II (b. 1934, Prince of Liège, King from 1993), and BAUDOUIN I (1930-1993, from 1951 King on his father's abdication)]

Unsigned press photo by Le Lynx, showing them half length, coming down the stairs at the station after Albert's long trip to the United States, behind is U.S. Ambassador Alger, 7" x 9½", Brussels Midi, 7th December Baudouin's face partly obscured

Item Date:  1955
Stock No:  52426      £50

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[LEOPOLD III (1901-1983, King of the Belgians 1934-1951), his second wife LILIANE (1909-2002), and sons by his first marriage BAUDOUIN I (1930-1993, from 1951 King on his father's abdication) and ALBERT II (b. 1934, Prince of Liège, King from 1993)]

Unsigned press photo by Le Lynx, showing them head and shoulders in their car, leaving the station after Albert's long trip to the United States, 7" x 9½", Brussels Midi, 7th December

Item Date:  1955
Stock No:  52427      £50

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[LEOPOLD III (1901-1983, King of the Belgians 1934-1951), his second wife LILIANE (1909-2002), their son ALEXANDRE, (b. 1942), and Leopold's children by Queen Astrid, BAUDOIN (1930-1993, King from 1951), ALBERT (b. 1934, King from 1993), and JOSÉPHINE (b. 1927, wife of Jean, Grand Duke of Luxemburg)]

Unsigned press photo by Service Photographique Belga of Brussels, of King Leopold III, his second wife Liliane, showing the parents on a garden seat, with Josephine sitting by them, Alexandre standing on the seat and the older sons behind, with a press notice in French on the back, 7" x 9½", Prégny, no date, c.

Item Date:  1947
Stock No:  51009      £150

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[LEOPOLD III (1901-1983, King of the Belgians 1934-1951, abdicated in favour of eldest son)]

Unsigned press photo of King Leopold III, in uniform, taking leave of M. Knecht of the Geneva Police, who has been responsible for the King's safety during his visit, on the back is a press notice in French, 9½" x 6¾", Geneva Airport, no date, c.

Item Date:  1950
Stock No:  51016      £50

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